As Pam led them to the auditorium she already knew they would be late, with a quick flash of sight, she saw that they would literally stumble in, half way through the speech. Well, she would. She didn't know about Nick. She sighed softly, and resigned herself to this. Lance happily wagged his tail as they walked, and Pam couldn't help but smile. He was her constant, and if it hadn't been for Lance, she doubted she would be here right now. He had led her out the fire that had killed her parents (don't think on it, not until later, she thought), and he had helped lead her here. She had been here a few weeks, and was still settling in. She'd arrived scratched, dirty, her hair a mess-full of leaves, twigs, dirt and God knows what, her clothes a mess, torn and stained with her own blood, the only thing except for Lance she had was her necklace, which she hadn't worn since arriving, she had probably seemed like a begger. Given clothes, food and somewhere to sleep, she had spent her first week practically in bed, barely moving, grieving for her lost life, her parents. And then, all at once, she had accepted her lot and vowed to make the best of it. It was this she was thinking off when she tripped over Lance, the dog now waiting patiently for her to open the auditorium door. Well, she opened t already as she stumbled through it, tying herself up with Lances leash. Lance gave a loud bark, and nudged her with his cold wet nose, giving her face a lick. Her face reddened as she was sure that a lot of people were looking at her and the fuss they made. She managed to free herself from Lance's lead, grimacing as she pushed herself back up. [color=6ecff6]"Well that wasn't embarrassing"[/color] she said softly, quickly moving aside, to find some chairs for them all. As the man spoke, Pam didn't know what to think. Confirmation then on why they were here and what had happened and why it was all happening. So her parents had been killed because of what she was. As people grumbled and mumbled, clearly not liking this, Pam found herself angered and standing, as she yelled out [color=6ecff6]"you're probably all not happy with this, with having to hide. I'm not either, but I'm not stupid to think that standing up to them will be worth it. How many people will die for that war? I do not want to be responsible for that"[/color] she was surprised at herself, and she looked around as if she were trying seeing them all. Which right then, she was. But why, oh why was she making such a spectacle of herself?