Jess watched Anton leave the bar with a frown. There went her most promising chance to get some fun tonight. She sighed, remembering that she wasn't even proper drunk either. What a waste of a night so far... She sat back down at the counter, looking for something, anything in reach to snatch and walk away with while everyone was busy eyeing that man Mori dragged behind her. What ever interested everyone so much in that human was beyond her. He didn't even look that hot. [b][i]"Tomorrow at noon. Since you seem to want a rematch so badly, I'll give you one. We'll see if you can entertain me for even five minutes." [/i][/b] That came about as expected as a friendly hug. She'd have bet money that Fay would rather try to bash her head in with an ice pick before asking for an honorable duel. She coudln't quite hide being surprised but got ahold of herself within two seconds. "[i]Damn straight I can. I'll rip you a second hole, [/i]girlie." She was fully aware that a fair hand-to-hand brawl with the blonde was not likely going to go down in her favor, but anybody who knew Jesse Williams knew that there was no such thing as the word "fair" in her dictionary. It wouldn't be easy to get another body or two involved in this, considering the short time frame for such preparations. And further considering Anton was probably still having the most lovely hangover, by then. There was no way to back off from such an offer, though. As she watched Fay exit the bar, another idea crept into her mind. Maybe she didn't have to wait until Noon after all. The girl waited for almost a full minute longer, sitting at the counter, looking as inconspicious as humanly possible. She then slowly got up and strolled over to the door. It was unlikely that anybody cared enough about her to even notice. Once outside she wouldn't have trouble following her smell, the fresh dose of Whisky made it even easier. Jess wasn't aware yet that Fay meant to follow Anton, but a thick fragrance of rocket fuel along the way would make that obvious soon. Unless anybody stepped in her way or otherwise tried to stop Jess, the girl would have a nice and relaxed stroll over to the dump, using a rather human pace of walking.