Zachary sighed to himself when he saw the red head get all up at arms about magic. He had guessed at least one person would be like that about magic. Not many people knew about it but many freaked out when they did. This guy seemed like he had to keep himself from believing. A shame really. "I'm more of a card tricks kind of guy. "He said as the hat few towards his head. He managed to grab the hat by the side. He did have some physical training. He looked at the hat and put it in his coat pocket. "I'm not a phony. You just are either too dense or stubborn to admit that your world view is wrong. " he snapped back sounding angry. He hated when people treated him like a fake. He listened to the speech and nodded. He was okay with bunking as a group. "Just because we haven't been on this team doesn't mean we are complete rookies at all of this. We all have skills in our own areas. " he said leaving out the part where he was terrible at physical combat. His opponents rarely used it and he had been taught to run if things got bad. He also hated being told he wasn't the best even if it was true. "How is that a problem?" He asked the white creature. Whatever it was, it was damn ugly. "I've got nowhere else to go but here so I'm fine with it. " Zachary said shrugging. "My question is when do we start training? I'm man enough to admit that I need help working with a team..."