As Nick listened to the speech, he just got more and more worried. A technologically advanced government branch devoted to hunting down supernatural kids and making their deaths seem like an accident? It sounded extremely far-fetched, but he'd seen enough to believe anything at this point. With that said, technology that can detect the use of powers? That sounded just a little too much like science fiction. How did that even work? Did they have some kind of thing in their bodies that plays up when they use their powers? Did that mean that people with powers like Nick couldn't leave because their powers were on all the time? That thought brought up other ones, none of which were particularly helpful. He'd left home because of a rumour, and now that the rumour was true, he couldn't leave. He couldn't really associate with his family anymore, or else they would be killed. They might already have been killed, but there was no way he could know. Assuming they weren't, however, it brought up problems regardless. His parents told him to leave, but he hadn't told his friends about it. They all thought he was dead; but now Nick was as good as dead to them. He could never leave, and he would never see them ever again. Nick was snapped out of his thoughts when Pam yelled something that put him at ease. [color=6ecff6]"you're probably all not happy with this, with having to hide. I'm not either, but I'm not stupid to think that standing up to them will be worth it. How many people will die for that war? I do not want to be responsible for that."[/color] It pulled Nick out of his little world and made him focus on others. It wasn't just him that had to hide, there were many more people around who were in the same situation. Even then, Nick could consider himself lucky for being able to arrive of his own free will. At least his parents could take solace in the fact that he was alive. Now wasn't the time to worry about his old life. A new life was beginning in Riverwood Academy. He could make new friends, see new things. If he was going to have to live with it, he should make the most of it. And the first thing to do was to offer some support to his new friend. He cupped his hands over his mouth in a cone shape to help his voice carry and took a breath. "I agree with that statement." He announced, voicing his support. "Fighting hurts, and it ain't good for you."