[center][h1][color=red]Genevieve Braveheart[/color][/h1][/center] Appearance: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/6e/bc/12/6ebc1259e469b51c535dc326760eedc8.jpg[/img] Age: 16 Year: 6th House: Gryffindor Classes taken: [b]NEWT Levels[/b] [list] [*]Charms [*]Defense Against The Dark Arts [*]Transfiguration [*]Potions [*]Runes [/list] Short bio: Genevieve grew up in mostly Manchester, England with her two magical parents. She is a pureblood witch, but she never really wanted to be. She hated how she was different from everyone. Everyone seemed to be repelled by her when she was younger, as if her magical was driving them away, even if they didn’t know about it. She was bullied a lot for being weird and she always tended to come home crying her eyes out. That all changed when her mother got cancer. They tried everything to save her, even spells and potions, but nothing seemed to beat it. With her last dying breath, her mother told Genevieve that if Genevieve wanted a normal life so badly, then this would be what she had to go through every day. Genevieve hated that, but she did not hate her mother for telling her. With that, she embraced her magic and her weird side. She stood up to the bullies at school and she was brave and when she turned eleven she got her letter to go to Hogwarts. Once she got to Hogwarts, she immediately felt better about who she was and she felt confident in herself again. She was sorted into Gryffindor because the Sorting Hat saw in her mind what all that she has gone through and how her personality is now in spite of that. She plays Quidditch for her mother because her mother was an amazing Chaser and she always wanted to be like the woman who told her to embrace her weirdness. Personality: Though she is very brave, loyal, and trusting, Genevieve is not the most outgoing person in the world. She tends to sit in her room and read rather than mess around outdoors. She does love to play Quidditch and is an amazing Chaser, just like her mother was. She is always warm and open to meeting new people, but she doesn’t really like large crowds. She doesn’t talk to very many people, but once a person is introduced to her, she is warmer toward them. She always stands up for what she believes is right, even if that means going against some rules, and she will always remain a loyal friend to whoever wants to be her friend. She takes blows as they come and always tries to overcome them with the best her of ability. Wand: Cedar, Phoenix Feather, 12 ½ inches Patronus: Golden Retriever (so a Dog…) Hobbies: She is a Chaser for the Gryffindor Quidditch team and loves to write and read. She also loves to dance, but she tends to dance whenever she thinks that she is alone. Besides those things, she just tends to go with the flow for whatever anyone wants to do. Pets: An almost pure white snowy owl named Geric Personal possessions: Her Firebolt 2000, which she got from her mother. It is three generations under the Firebolt Supreme, but it is still almost as fast as the Supreme, though it has a little less maneuverability. She has a locket from her mother which has a picture of her mother and her father in one side and her on the other side. Besides that, she has everything that she has bought. Relationships: [b]Patrick Ford[/b]- Genevieve and Patrick have been close friends ever since they got to Hogwarts their first year. She wound up having to sit next to him because all of the other cars were full and she didn't have anywhere else to sit. They got to talking and became fast friends immediately. She was disappointed when she got sorted into Gryffindor and him to Hufflepuff, but that didn't stop their friendship. They hung out often and began to play against each other in Quidditch when they both joined their second year, her as a Chaser and him as a Beater. There was some rough patches though, especially after he hit the Bludger directly at her their third year and knocked her off her broom. But he was very kind afterwards and apologized for it, just stating that it was a competition and he wanted to win. They have had a friendly rivalry ever since, but it has become slightly more than a friendship to her. In fact, she has developed a minor crush on him. NPCs: Geric, her owl; her father Why am I amazing? Because I love to write more than anything in the world. :) [center][h1][color=purple]Professor Terrabeth "Terra" Carlyle[/color][/h1][/center] Appearance: [img]http://www.mrwallpaper.com/wallpapers/blonde-girl-green-eyes.jpg[/img] Age: 28 Position: Transfiguration Teacher House: She does not have a house, considering she is a teacher, but she has a particular attachment to the Gryffindor house. Short bio: Professor Carlyle was mostly a travelling witch to begin with. She was a Keeper for the most part, watching over budding wizards and witches when they were young and helping the headmaster of Hogwarts get out letters to those children. Since she always watched those children, she had to help hide their magic rom the Muggle world, so she took up Transfiguration as a helpful tool to hide it. Since she was so good at it, Professor McGonagall hired her as the Transfiguration teacher in her stead. Professor Carlyle knew that she would have a better chance at helping her students that she sent there that way and she took up the job immediately. She is originally from the U.S., so she has an American accent. Personality: Professor Carlyle is a very caring individual and she loves children. She can be a bit of a stickler when it comes to rules, but she can also be your friend when she needs to be. She is often very quiet, listening and learning more than she is teaching, and she believes in learning by failing. She always has the students try everything first before she helps guide them to what they are supposed to do. She also is very sly and sometimes goes behind the headmaster’s or headmistress’s back to help out some of her students with tests. She is also very mischievous. She sometimes pulls pranks on her students and even some of the other teachers. Wand: Birch, Unicorn Hair, 14 inches Patronus: Fox Hobbies: She enjoys a good game of Quidditch as well as reading, but she is a masterful dueler, so she is always interested in watching the Defense Against The Dark Arts classes and even helping out with dueling with the younger kids every once in a while. Pets: A beautiful Persian cat with bright blue eyes named Critter and a tawny owl named Verona Personal possessions: She does not really have any, except for her suitcase that has a bunch of stickers on it from all of the places she has been. Relationships: N/A NPCs: Critter, Verona