[B]Mathew[/b] Mathew sighed. "I suppose it's at least going to a somewhat good cause. But will you at least try to avoid fights in the future?" Mathew gestured at the one man he'd knocked out. "That man is going to have a splitting head ache when he wakes up. And honestly the guilt of that may or may not have ruined my whole day. But yes, homeward bound I suppose. I'll just stop existing for a bit and follow you. Remember that I AM watching though, Alex!" Alex waggled his finger as if he was scolding a child, before melding into the earth. This was mostly just a visual effect. In truth, he had melded partially outside of reality, as all dolls could. He wished he could just walk the streets, but sadly, his appearance was horrifying to most humans. Oh well. Once they got back he could probably feed some of the stray cats that hung out in a nearby alley way. That would boost his mood. [B]Eren Deville[/b] "Ah, I'm sorry sir, but I can't let you inside without proper identification. Why, the other day, silly me, I let this one man claiming to be a cop into the house. He made off with a small amount of cash. The boss never noticed, luckily, or, why, I might have gotten sacked!" Eren was making up Cathy's characterization in his head as he went. He always was good at acting and lying on the fly. So far, he figured Cathy would be a ditzy type, but pleasant. Cathy would also be quite expressive, so Eren added slightly excessive body language to his speech. He figured that if this man insisted on trying to come in, then he'd slam the door and grab his pistol from the kitchen table. He didn't like the idea of contending with a dollhunter when he'd already taken a beating from Viper, but he was ready to fight, in a dress if need be.