[img]http://i.imgur.com/EIAx6uU.jpg[/img] Name: Luke Lubowski Age: Twenty-seven years old Nationality: American Three random facts about your character: 1: Mild mannered and open minded, but easily tempered. 2: Carries around a lighter to use his powers in a pinch 3: Has murky yellow eyes and visible yellow veins. Mutant Power: - All liquids in Luke's body have been replaced with gasoline. - Luke's entire body is blast-proof and fire-proof, but he can be wounded by projectiles. - Luke exhales gasoline fumes, allowing him to breath fire if lite. - Immune to multiple forms of hazardous materials. Biography: Luke Lubowski is a male Caucasian mutant from the small suburbs of New Jersey. Luke spent all of his formative years living in a small home close to the interstate with a loving mother and father. Through most of his life, Luke always felt odd amongst his feel peers and found himself never making much friends and spending most of his time at the local gas station and dinner. When Luke hit seventeen years old though, his powers manifested. It began what seemed like a stomach illness. His body ached as the usually organic fluids change and shifted into something resembling petroleum gasoline. His breath began to stink of gasoline and his eyes changed to a sick murky yellow. No local doctors could figure out what was wrong with him. In his sickbed, Luke's father found the true nature of his son's abilities while lighting a cigar in front of him. As soon as his lighter sparked to flame, his son seemed to do the same. For a moment his father was absolutely terrified as he watched his son breathe pure fire like misty breath on a frigid day. After a moment of panic, Luke's father got his son some water and began working with him to understand his powers in secret. It would take months for his father to pay off the doctors to never say anything about his son's 'illness' and get him back to school with whatever they could do to mask his unnatural smell. After some years of experimentation and training, Luke finally felt like he understood himself and his incredible powers. Taking up a job at the gas station he enjoyed spending his childhood at, Luke would go on to buy the establishment from the bank after it's elderly owner died. He felt normal working at the station, always polite to customers and a diligent worker. Only a few months into his new life of management, where no one would ask him about his odd gasoline scent, the U.S. Government enlisted into an unorthodox Allied program known as "The Strategic Scientific Reserve". Despite his obvious objections, Luke was shipped off to England where he would be with others like him. 'Mutants'. On the outside, he was worried for his life and his family back home. On the inside, he was more then excited to know what other like him were like, and what the future held. The only thing he knew was that he was going to survive whatever trials and tribulations were ahead and get back home.