[hider=Lindsey Sinclair] [b]Name[/b]: Lindsey Sinclair [b]Appearance[/b]: 5'1”, slender. [hider=Picture][IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/s31277.jpg[/IMG][/hider] [b]Age[/b]: 14 [b]Year[/b]: 4th Year [b]House[/b]: Hufflepuff [b]Classes taken[/b]: N/A [b]Short bio[/b]: Magic stems from her father's side, with a long history of insignificant muggles on her mother's side – except, of course, for Lindsey's eternally significant mother, Helen. Raised with one older and one younger brother, Lindsey was often left alone while her brothers conspired in their boys-only activities. Consequently, she became fairly independent and quiet, spending more time with adults than children her own age. Although Lindsey's family knew riches somewhere in the past, she was raised in a fairly modest cottage atop a more impressive stretch of farmland. Lindsey was often kept from the work that was purely manual labor, but in turn she was often by her uncle's side when it came to the care-taking of the animals. Her childhood was fairly simple and stable, with no outstanding moments to cause particularly strong emotions. Despite her youth, Lindsey spent a lot of time aiding her uncle in his labors. Her magical abilities didn't manifest themselves until she turned 8 years of age, when she made a tool her uncle needed come to her grasp during an emergency. After that, her farther became a larger figure in her life when it came to basic magical training. [b]Personality[/b]: Lindsey is, at a glance, soft. She speaks quietly, though often with a smile, and she's hard to rouse into a rage. She can be succinctly described as a bleeding heart, which was surely the cause of her being placed into Hufflepuff. Although she's capable of logic, Lindsey sometimes fails to dismiss the cruel words of some of her peers and, though she won't openly cry, will become subdued and listless for a short while. There seems to be a limit to her darker emotional periods, however, and whether she wills it or not, her mood eventually returns to a bright optimism. There are some perks to being raised with brothers on a farm, though: Lindsey has some physical ability to defend herself and can fight dirty, if she's even compelled to do so. Her anger is rarely stirred, and often only due to cruel treatment of animals or those she deems defenseless, at which point Lindsey develops a slightly savage twist to her personality. [b]Wand[/b]: Birch, 10 inches, Hippogriff feather, flexible. [b]Patronus[/b]: Wolverine [b]Hobbies[/b]: Animal care, reading, climbing to the highest places she can reach. [b]Pets[/b]: Mister the 20lb Norwegian Forest Cat [hider=Mister] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/00/79/d2/0079d211df534144e81e70d1dcc45a02.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Personal possessions[/b]: School supplies, a large rainbow umbrella, a small bag with a fairly intensive medical/survival collection, a variety of medical and husbandry books concerning a variety of beasts such as hippogriffs, dragons, salamanders, cows, so forth. [b]Relationships[/b]: None as of yet. [b]NPCs[/b]: Her two brothers: Marcus, 7th year; Cassidy, 3nd year. Why am I amazing? Seriously, I don't know. Why? [/hider]