Kes stirred in her sleep, rolling onto her back from her side, which Lupo, half awake and ear pricked, seemed to take as an open invitation and moved so that he climbed onto her chest. This woke Kestral, but with a smile and not a start. "Morning," she murmured, putting a hand to the pup's head. Lupo, taking this as excouragement began to lick her face, clear affection. "Stop," she said quietly, pushing his nuzzle away. "Yes, I need a bath, but you don't need to give it me." She pushed herself up slighty, Lupo hopping off, and then pushed herself the full way, rubbing her eyes. It was then that she noticed Jube was not where she'd eft him, but a quick scan of the cave relieved her concerns and she moved to join him, mirroring his actions. "I am going to find a river soon," she told him, washing her face and neck with the water. "I need to bathe, and wash my clothes." She had enough for now, but she had no intention of walking around like a beggar.