[u]Summer Lydian School[/u] Music: [i]A mirage callled tranquility still playing[/i] [img]http://oi60.tinypic.com/mikos8.jpg[/img] Akina: C'mon, don't be so harsh on the blue guy. [img]http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img4/4863/uh7h.png[/img] Fael: Maybe you want to make company to him. [img]http://oi59.tinypic.com/e7dkkk.jpg[/img] Akina: I would like to... *[b]hugs Fael's arm[/b]* [img]http://oi58.tinypic.com/2ez2v78.jpg[/img] Akina: But i'm already your bodyguard. [img]http://oi62.tinypic.com/34s5u9y.jpg[/img] Akina: Oh, by the way, after i escort you to the school, i have an errand to do. [img]http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img4/4863/uh7h.png[/img] Fael: An errand? [img]http://oi59.tinypic.com/2cs6vdf.jpg[/img] Akina: Yes, i don't know when i'll come back though. [img]http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img199/3488/3bls.png[/img] Fael: I see... [img]http://oi58.tinypic.com/2ez2v78.jpg[/img] Akina: Don't worry, i'll be back as soon as possible. This Red Shinigami promise it. [img]http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img4/4863/uh7h.png[/img] Fael: Okay. Now can you release my arm? [img]http://oi59.tinypic.com/2cs6vdf.jpg[/img] Akina: Sure! [img]http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img600/3008/pgeg.png[/img] Fael: Alright, we can go now Alice. [u]School - Guild's Tent[/u] [img]http://oi61.tinypic.com/es0yop.jpg[/img] Kael: Dream Realm? That would be nice. (Since nobody can observe us there, unless of course, an observer is there.) [img]http://oi62.tinypic.com/kbeya1.jpg[/img] Marie: I'll make sure to tell Fael this when we he arrives. [img]http://oi61.tinypic.com/i1mdfc.jpg[/img] Thomas: What about Hugh? [img]http://oi61.tinypic.com/n56ico.jpg[/img] Marie: Well, i think we should leave him alone for today. [img]http://oi61.tinypic.com/11qk129.jpg[/img] Kael: Yeah, we all saw how he left this place. [u]Dream Realm[/u] Music - [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyKC3vTmBKI]Witches overture[/url] [img]http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img834/4033/6t3.gif[/img] Anza: Well, i'm all finished, time to report let Zana assume...Oh? [img]http://i.imgur.com/sQFAaTW.png[/img] Karina: Oh, it's you again. [img]http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img818/6854/xn1.gif[/img] Anza: Hi there, where's Alicia? [img]http://i.imgur.com/pH7Nxy3.png[/img] Karina: Good question, she just dissapeared without telling me. [img]http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img834/4033/6t3.gif[/img] Anza: Hugh is even here too it seems...My, how it is bad to be on a diferent world. You miss a lot of stuff. [img]http://oi57.tinypic.com/11ue1on.jpg[/img] Hugh: You know about me? [img]http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img834/3593/an8.gif[/img] Anza: Of course, i'm an observer you know? [img]http://oi60.tinypic.com/1twrhh.jpg[/img] Hugh: Just like the bunny leech? [img]http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img818/6854/xn1.gif[/img] Anza: Now now, don't insult Madam Rachel like that. She's a fine lady worried with her underlings. [img]http://oi58.tinypic.com/4j002e.jpg[/img] Hugh: I'm not an underling. [img]http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img834/4033/6t3.gif[/img] Anza: Tehehe!!! [img]http://oi57.tinypic.com/11ue1on.jpg[/img] Hugh: Well, diferently from her, you seem more nice i guess. [img]http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img823/6250/7fil.gif[/img] Anza: You think so? [img]http://oi58.tinypic.com/33u7jhd.jpg[/img] Hugh: Yup, for some reason, i think your smile is sincere. [img]http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img198/9048/cql.gif[/img] Anza: Well, thanks i guess... [img]http://i.imgur.com/xETQLvQ.png[/img] Karina: Would you like to stay more? I don't think we'll wake up so soon, so maybe we can talk a little. [img]http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img834/3593/an8.gif[/img] Anza: Well, there's some people waiting me on the waking world so... [img]http://i.imgur.com/pH7Nxy3.png[/img] Karina: Oh... [img]http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img843/2913/jsy.gif[/img] Anza: Besides, soon, i won't be able to stay close to you anyway... [img]http://i.imgur.com/VolzSBK.png[/img] Karina: Why? Anza then, dissapears back to the real world, leaving Karina and Hugh perplexed.