With all eyes on lord Bedivere, but one vampire had placed his gaze on Martin instead. The monster stared at him and stated there was no escape. But Martin didn't intend to escape. This was just the vampire he was looking for, and as weird as it may sound, [i]things are going to plan.[/i] He politely gestured for the old creature to come over to him into the shadow, but didn't wait for him to do so before he started talking. Relying on the Mithias's vampire senses to hear his whispers regardless. "It is interesting for someone as old as you to draw attention to my mortality, as my flicker of existence should mean so little to you. The real question you should be asking is not about my awareness of mortality, it should be about why my reasons being here are of interest to you." Martin made a small polite bow. "Sir." Lord Bedivere's speech ended and a silence befell the crowd. Martin too looked up to catch a glimpse of the vampire elders who were all giving an impressive display of poker faces. The silence was eventually broken by a crashing sound echoing from in the castle. To Martin it was faint,[i] and he could barely make out some screaming and stumbling.[/i] However Martin guessed [i]the vampires and their senses would have a better idea of what just happened.[/i] He lifted his hands a little and shrugged. "Whatever that is, it isn't my doing."