Karn's ears twitched as he listened to the the man explain the job, purring softly as Iggy reached to pet the top of his head. He chuckled a little as he saw Torie seem to be drooling over the large amount of money. It was indeed a lot, he hadn't seen such a fine reward himself that wasn't perhaps a S-Class mission. Or maybe even higher. Yet this was just looking for super rare keys. As the employer walked away, the feline tilted his head thoughtfully. [color=lime]"These keys kind of sound like they could be dangerous in the wrong hands. I don't know if it's a good idea to let someone who wants to bring forth supposedly suuuuper rare Celestial beasts, dragons no less, just to look of them. They might be so easy compared to some of the others."[/color] he mewed thoughtfully. He didn't know too much of Celestial wizards other tha what he saw Lucy and Iggy do from time to time.