Was it unusual to disapprove of this plan? Blizzard didn’t like the idea of giving up the girl to some… beast. [I]Something[/I] so mind boggling that even now he didn’t know what to make of it. It was just: [I]fear, weight, very scary, bad, bad, bad[/I]. He shook it off again. The more he thought of it the more disturbed he became. Why couldn’t they do this without putting Ava at risk? Could they not blast this beast from the sky until all that remained was the charred essence of its being- Blizzard stepped over his father’s wing to crouch on his back. He did this for a moment before reaching back and yanking Ava on behind him. He shook his head, puffed his cheeks and leaned in close to Toothless’ neck again. The next moment the nightfury was propelling forward out of the stable and through the snow banks. Great bounds up the hill back to the chief’s house. But the villagers had become clumped much like the dragons in the barns- more aggravated than afraid. Ready to go metal to metal. Gathered on the hill. They had heard what happened on the docks. Those that hadn’t seen it with their own eyes. Hiccup silenced the men and women with a demand for their attention- one unspoken but clear by his tone. He told them he would meet them in the town hall (as he saw his dragon approaching) and to wait there for him to arrive. There was no further argument and they departed, leaving him to face his daughter. Which was perhaps a job far more taxing than calming a hyped up group of axe welding Vikings. [I]Shockingly.[/I] “What’s going on?” He was pretty sure by Blizzard’s untrained expression that he at least didn’t like that outcome of whatever had taken place. “Toothless needs to talk to you.” The nightfury pushed past his rider with his cargo in stride. Blizzard immediately hopped off his back to stand near the fire, crouching low and staring as his father slunk closer to Hiccup with a rumble. Hiccup rubbed his fingers at his hair. “I know I’m not going to like this. You‘ve come up with something?” Toothless barked and jerked his head towards Blizzard who scowled, expressing his own dislike. “He thinks we should give Ava over to the beast.” “Toothless.” Disapproving, disbelieving. “That’s NOT the solution.” Toothless snapped his teeth together and knocked his son over with a sweep of his tail.