With Lucas completely and utterly dissatisfied, and embarrassed, he put the cans back on the table and began his search. He was expecting a race of speed but it seemed more like a hide a seek game Vlad wanted. He watched as the others left on there search in different directions. He stood there and thought about how to find him. [i]"Well he would probably be in one of the most secure areas of the facility, since he is the head of it. Oh how it would be so much easier if I just had a map of the facility...."[/i] He thought and turned to a guard and asked him for a map. The guard laugh and rejected him since he didn't have one to begin with but he gave the excuse that I would try to escape. [i]"Man all the guards here suck. Well, I guess I'll go look for the blueprints of the building, should also keep a eye out for high security to snoop around in."[/i] He thought to himself. He finally left the room and searched the halls at a brisk walking pace, since there wasn't need to run rush to nowhere. He saw both the girl and the boy smelling the air and the boy turn in a sudden direction and started to run in one direction. He thought it was worth a shot so he to sniff the air and caught the old man's scent. But what he thought was odd was that he found it not only along the halls but he smelled it in the vents to. The vents would be a more direct way to him but there's a bigger chance of getting lost with all the airflow blowing the scent around. The regular way would take longer with the faint scent but was a pretty good bet that it would lead him to Vlad. He decide to take the vents since he was not only small enough, but since the boy already had a head start and since he put his traps back on the table he would most like win if the scent wasn't to screwed up from the airflow. He took off the cage to the vent and jumped inside extremely fast tos that the guard couldn't stop him. If they were smart enough the vents would be bolted from the outside if anyone could reach a exit to the compound. He moved swiftly though the vents hoping that he nose would lead him the right way.