After walking for a short while, Acht eventually found one of the guard outposts and entered, pleased to see that the door was left unlocked. This seemed to be a smaller one, with little more than a break room and an office along with a card-access door, probably for a place to store equipment. Even if they had some freedom for the moment, it made sense that there would still be some things that they were denied access to. Wouldn't want a riot, after all. Taking little time to look at the few guards that were sitting in the break room, but noticing a reminder on one of the walls regarding the day's activities, the redhead moved to the unlocked office, seeing that it remained empty of humans. The first thing it noticed was how clean the room was...a bit too clean. It seemed like maybe there were things missing here...probably locked up in an effort to keep the experiments from getting into other business besides the hunt. Most of the file cabinets were locked, as were many of the desk drawers. Luckily, there did appear to be a map of some sort here, though it clearly wasn't a full map of the facility. It didn't even show the whole floor, for that matter! But it did have some notes on it...curious...