[u][b]The Boy[/b][/u] He looked up to see the doll. Masami had returned! [b]"Ah..."[/b] He said. He rubbed his eyes and stifled a yawn. [b]"Thank you."[/b] He took the bread and cheese that she had put in front of him and put them in his lap, before reaching out for the tin of sardines. He reached into his coat pocket and took out a simple tin opener and proceeded to open the can. He placed it next to him on the ground and his cat jumped from his lap and started eating with gusto. He watched for a couple of seconds, before starting on his bread and cheese. It wasn't exactly roast, but he couldn't complain. He had very little as it was, he needed all he could get. Although there was nothing stopping him from staying in one place and getting some money, he didn't want to. He'd felt that he was getting closer to finding out about himself the farther they had travelled, but now he felt it might be okay. He felt like the answer was somewhere in Saulbine. [b]"Do you think we'll find anything here, Masami?"[/b] He asked the doll, [b]"I feel like we will."[/b] [hr] [b][u]Nuul[/u][/b] [b][color=purple]"The Pursuers are the souls of the dead."[/color][/b] She whispered in his ear, [b][color=purple]"They will not stop until there are none who live."[/color][/b] Perhaps it would have been hard to hear a whisper over your own screams, but she doubted he wouldn't hear her whispers. She floated behind him, a shadowy spectre in the maelstrom of his nightmare. [b][color=purple]"Submit to me, and you may live."[/color][/b] She said. "YOU, CRAZY BITCH!" His arm whipped back and he tried to stab her with his knife, hard as it was with his body being torn apart by the fangs of the Pursuers. The knife plunged into empty air, the shadow flowed around him, apppearing in front of him. [b][color=purple]"The Pursuers have caught the scent of your blood, they will never stop while you remain alive."[/color][/b] At those words, the Pursuers finally caught the rest of her unfortunate victim's flailing limbs. The knife dropped out of his hand and fell away into the abyss. [b][color=purple]"This is your final chance, if you do not submit, you will be torn apart."[/color][/b] "GO. TO. HELL!" He spat. [b][color=purple]"How unfortunate."[/color][/b] She said with a disinterested tone, [b][color=purple]"Hm, perhaps I'll see you there."[/color][/b] At that, the pursuer's were free to tear him apart. As she watched, the worms tugged at his limbs, slowly but surely starting to separate them from his body. "AAAAAARRRRGGHHHHH!" He screamed as his limbs were torn from his body. But of course, Nuul never let it get that far. She had banished the Pursuers before they had even started doing any serious damage. The thug was on the floor, eyes rolled back into his head, screaming at nothing at all. [b][color=purple]"A perfect success."[/color][/b] She said, her mouth curling into an evil smirk. ((If you're wondering, Gerhman should be able to hear the scream))