Mithias clasped his hands casually behind him as he listened to Martin, but he didn't move from his place near Bedivere and Gabriel. He didn't need to. He could hear the human perfectly fine before and/or after Bedivere had made a mockery of his father's example. Mithias kept his mouth shut however, as everything Bedivere had claimed and brandished of his sire's folly was, up until this point, rather true. The old vampire knight was admirably sharp when aroused. His seething hatred smoldered at the seems of his time-honed self control, sheer terror at the mere thought of it breaking free. Eloquence was a lamb's wool over Bedivere's rage, and the more intense it was, the more focused and razor sharp its edge. The more controlled he appeared, the more dangerous Bedivere truly was. His words rang true like a bell struck in a fury. Intense as it was, there was still this unexplained human among them, right next to them, underestimated and meek as a mouse, yet potentially the most dangerous being in the room. Mithias' mind completely abandoned the vampires for a moment and focused on Martin. Young, healthy, servant clothes, communicator, tracker? gps? explosives? ... By his answer, Mithais knew, "I see. You already expect to die..." He found no holy symbols on the human, but he could still have been Purge, suicidal and ready to martyr himself. Mithias took a step closer. In his eyes, the innocent expression of a hunter, lips parted just enough... He froze as the sounds of crashing and screaming echoed over the stones. Mithias paused, watching Martin's reaction. "You should answer that question then."