[center][h1]Haruna Launcher package story arcs![/h1][/center] [indent][h2]Three stories, one goal![/h2][/indent] [h3]Rescue Wendy Arc[/h3] [u]Synopsis[/u](Participants are full here) Nishikara Wendy is a student from kirigaoka Girls Academy, the younger sister of Nishikara Mei. Both are distant relatives to Hybrid Academy's, Nishikara Kei. It's been two weeks since she was missing however; Ria managed to get a lead on her whereabouts after taking hostage of one of the Skill-Out members, Marcus who have valuable information about Wendy's whereabouts. Her whereabouts leads to Mocha Dreams, Kirigaoka Girls, and District 7. However it seems like the Skill-Out aren't the only who wants a piece of the action, the Clowns who are like of a Skill-Out group are working with Skill-Out. To make things matters worse, the Akurans are also on the move and Ria is injected with a serum that makes her AIM fields go wild and face symptoms. It is up to her group to pull through safety. [h3]The Black Mage, Haruna Arc[/h3] [u]Synopsis[/u](Open) It might take a while but its been mandatory for the past three weeks. That's 11 hour shifts, by religious group of cults thus a tiring work by kidnapping Espers. Rumor has it that Espers are killed because of heresy and atrocious ways of thinking by cult. For they believe that these people are offering to revive a Black Mage, Haruna. Selected members of Judgement in every district are assigned to investigate the Nagatenjouki District. It is an undercover task as suspiciously believed that Nagatenjouki are linked with the disappearance of these people. [h3]Unnatural Arc[/h3] [u]Synopsis[/u](Open) It is believed that every night. Some people who are at District 21, the mountains have been disappearing. Based on reports, it is said that vampires are the cause of the disappearance. With all the mysterious disappearance occurring at the three fronts. Could these events be connected? Will our heroes unravel the mysteries behind it? A man from the shadows looks at a flat crystal HD like TV.