Melissa made sure to back away when the sound of a gunshot rang in her ears. She pushed some black hair out of her face, aware of how messy her braid had gotten, and crouched against the wall of a nearby building. Her mouth curled downward in contempt as the soldiers who had assisted in the whipping drifted away in a relaxed manner, looking infuriatingly self-satisfied. The glimpse of their expressions sent a shudder down Melissa's spine and made her wonder what could happen to a person to make them so heartless and sadistic. Then she remembered that there are plenty of psychopaths who would definitely jump on the role of soldier, and she stopped wondering. Once they were gone, she slunk back over to him. She knelt and inspected the ugly wounds on his back, thinking. Melissa had very little medical knowledge. She knew that wounds needed cleaning in order to avoid getting infected, and she knew that something like a bullet wound would definitely need patching up before blood loss set in. Seeing as she had nothing to clean the bloody gashes with, she simply took out the nearly-spent roll of bandage from her pocket and wrapped it clumsily around Hank's torso. "Sorry if I'm hurting you," she muttered.