[center]Name: [i]Alfred Vanderbilt[/i][/center] [center]Age: 24[/center] [center]Gender: Male[/center] [hider=Appearance: Personal][img]http://gopthedailydose.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/SAS_Headshot.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Appearance: Armored][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/23/90/38/23903853c6d7a23b06b04ab8c30588e1.jpg[/img][/hider] [center]Weapons:[/center] -Light armor suit for the vacuum of space and other hazardous environments. Limited temperature control and oxygen storage suitable only for short duration in harmful situations. Low protection from impact and ricocheted bullets as well, but unable to stop a direct hit. Also equipped with magnetic fasteners for maneuvering in zero-gravity. -A shrapnel shotgun with a six-round clip, suitable for dealing antipersonnel damage in the close confines of a spaceship, yet not so strong as to break holes in the bulkheads. -A fusion torch and soldering rods for cutting and repairing. Included in the kit is a cooling tool to rapidly seal the molten solder. -Packs of chemical explosive gel. High-tech plastic explosives for breaching and general destruction. -Flash, gas, concussion, and shrapnel grenades with set with either a timer or remote detonation. [center]Position on Infinity: [i]Technician and Demolitions[/i][/center] [center]Reasons they joined The Infinity Alfred has no personal vendetta against the alien race, but is rather fighting for adventure and a large salary.[/center] [center]Bio Alfred grew up in his father's workshop, covered in grease and metal shavings, and loving every moment of it. He picked up a wrench as soon as he could hold one, and brought an internal combustion engine for his first-grade show-and-tell. When he was twelve, Alfred started as the junior member on a pit crew for a rookie driver, and won his way to fame as the driver took second place in the NASCAR sprint. He won a scholarship to a prestigious school in Massachusetts, and met with a recruiter while in his second year. Dropping out of school, and filled with adventurous spirit, he was on the first shuttle to the fleet's training base on Mars. After the required 6 months of training, he shipped out on assignment as junior technical officer, and received a field promotion when the senior officer died in a firefight. Alfred was wounded in a later battle, and returned to Earth for a 12-month medical leave.[/center] Other: -Due to the amount of tools under Alfred's supervision, he carries a small satchel strapped to his back containing the fusion torch, soldering rods, cooling tool, and chemical explosive packs. The grenades and remote detonator are attached to a bandolier across his chest. -The grenades need to be programmed before throwing, taking about 10-15 seconds per grenade.