Noboyuki woke up, with some kind of bizarre dream again. As a man that often dreamed about other things, probably dreams more fitting for men like defeating some kind of titan or racing in the streets against your rival, it was one of the few times that Noboyuki had two dreams like that. What was worse, they were a bit too similar for it to be just a coincidence. Even so, as last time, he wasn't able to make heads or tails out of it. It was frustrating, but the man didn't let that show in his face. At least, not in front of Rena. Whenever he had time alone, though, he decided to put his mind to good use and think long and hard about it. Even so, the fact that the dream seemed to be random, and still clearly organized in some way that someone would be able to make sense of it made it all the more confusing for Noboyuki. Maybe, another dream would show up next time he went to sleep. Maybe, it'd also give him some more clues. Maybe, it had something to do with his heroic powers and, to be honest, he felt like a kid in christmas, awaiting for the holy powers to arrive. [hr] For a change of pace, the sillhoute with glasses now finds itself outside, in a scenery that seems straight out of some kind of artwork. Colorful cherry blossom petals fall down as the bespectacled one waits eagerly for what is to come. It is now characterized by a new feature just added to it, though it is more of a commonplace for a person its age, or should eb, at the very least. With gigantic braces now in its mouth and traces of slight facial hair, it fidgets, it moves around and paces back and forward, seemingly trying to get its mind away of what is to come. Suddenly, it seems to pick up something with its ears and it quickly and eaferly turns around to see just what arrived, with a great smile on its face, or in what should be its face. The sillhoute with black hair appears yet again, though its figure seems a lot more womanly and mature. It is now easy to tell it apart from other sillhoutes as it now resembles a woman even more. It seemed to be quite eager as well, and the glasses of the other one shine on with expectation. However, the expression of the long haired one drops and becomes a frown as soon as it spots the one with glasses. The other one doesn't seem disheartened though. It seems just as eager as before, maybe even more, as it now jumps with expectation. Soon enough, the both of them engage into a conversation, with the one with glasses making exaggerated hand movement and seemingly becoming flustered from time to time, while the other one merely looks down and.... disappointed perhaps? It seems to only nod out of obligation to everything the other says. Finally, after a while, the one with glasses seems even more pumped and finishes its exaggerated hand motions to finally make its point across. And even so, while it seems nervous and happy to finally get it out of its chest, the long haired one simply nods acknowledging it. before looking away from the one with glasses and moving its mouth to say something. Even so, it cannot be heard to anyone but the one with glasses, and when it does, all of its energy seems to leave its body, as well as the color of the scenery. It seems frustrated, but suddenly, an idea seems to pop in its mind. The scenery gains more color, though it isn't as vivid as it was first. It suddenly strikes a pose with its hand on its waist and smirks. It starts talking but, again, none of it is heard. The black haired one, that also seemed to be really sad about the outcome, whatever it was, also recovers its smile, it even starts laughing. The other one seems to have calmed down now that it seems things are all right again. [I]This is the only way to protect what I have, instead of losing it all[/I]