When the three reached the Gym, they were greeted by a young women with an Axew. She introduced herself as Iris from the Village of Dragons in Unova. She explained she came here to learn from Clair, and that Joy was to go out into the Dragon's Den to look at the Pokemon in question. Liam offered to go as well, but Iris said that is was a rule, Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny aside, no one can enter the Den without permission from the town's gym leader. Iris had all of her Pokemon running around out of Pokeballs. She offered to battle the boys if they wanted. "[i]Axew, the Tusk Pokemon. They use their tusks to crush the berries they eat. Repeated regrowth makes their tusks strong and sharp. If a tusk breaks, a new one grows in quickly. Emolga, The Sky Squirrel Pokemon. They live on treetops and glide using the inside of a cape-like membrane while discharging electricity. The energy made in its cheeks' electric pouches is stored inside its membrane and released while it is gliding. Escadrill, the Subterrane Pokemon. It can help in tunnel construction. Its drill has evolved into steel strong enough to bore through iron plates. More than 300 feet below the surface, they build mazelike nests. Their activity can be destructive to subway tunnels. Dragonite, the Dragon Pokemon, and Dratini's Final form. Dragonite is capable of circling the globe in just 16 hours. It is a kindhearted Pokémon that leads lost and foundering ships in a storm to the safety of land. It is said to make its home somewhere in the sea[/i]" Liam also saw that she had a Gible as well. She also noticed that her Dragonite's eyes were way different then the ones in the Pokedex.