[@Miss Gallagher] I should probably be more like that in the future xD Sometimes I used to be so desperate to keep things going that I was willing to do all the work to just continue playing because I liked the story too much to let go. And there really isn't any need for that. Although we are all behind our screens typing to each other (whom we may or may not even know), there is no need to resort into slanging battles. Don't get me wrong, I curse a lot (I should probably try to do so less frequently xD) but there isn't any need to direct it at people in anger like the way some people do. Its just childish and immature. And what you said there summed up the internet! Its a great tool when you meet the right people, but then you know that there are going to be undesirables somewhere hiding. 3DS.. hah. I have one... Sat around collecting dust xD I used to play the heck out of it but then like most things boredom struck. It probably doesn't help the fact that I only have 2 games. Both of them being Pokemon games that get extremely repetitive. So I mainly just stick to playing PC games for the most part