Alvin's competitive side smirked with the prospect of Marwood's challenge. Just like the Prince of Renais to make the matter of fleeing for their lives a game, still it did serve to lighten his mood a bit. The prince bowed back to Lexa as best he could whilst astride Medea. "Prince Alvin as I'm sure you're aware, you have my eternal gratitude for assisting us in our flight." When the lancers came upon them Alvin got in a few jabs but Lexa and Marwood took care of them for the most part. With the immediate threat of the due lancers eliminated, Alvin took a moment to scan his battlefield map in his mind's eye. He saw that Sion and his generals were making quick work of the eastern defenses. "We have to hurry...." The prince muttered to himself as he started formulating a plan. After a few moments he broke out of his reflection, turning and giving Griswal a sly grin and a wink. "Howdy Grizzly Bear, about time you caught up. Where's Aldo and Kalte? I thought they were right behind us. Anyway Sion's coming up quick so we need to get moving, pass it along to the rest that we're getting out of here now." With that he turned to the mysterious mage who didn't really look like a mage type in front of him. "Thanks for the help, I'm Alvin, Prince of Grado. I would very much appreciate your assistance in escaping the castle. We'll continue down this corridor straight out of the Western Gate. Could you hang back a little and cover us with your magic?" Finally he turned to Lexa and Marwood. "Alright here's the plan, Lexa you and I are going to charge down this corridor and engage the two lancers down there. Marwood, you're going to hang back until the the axe-wielder enters the fray, he's yours. If Lexa or I get caught by him we'll be in trouble. After the lancers and axeman are dealt with there'll just be Myrmidons for us to clean up, shouldn't be a problem. Our friend here is going to assist us with his magic so we'll all be fine." Hopefully was the unsaid word at the end of the sentence. Hopefully they'd make it and hopefully this endeavor wasn't doomed from the start. With that Prince Alvin brandished his lance, gripping the reigns of his mount with his off hand urging the great winged beast forward. "Fly Medea, fly! Fly to glory, fly to ruin, fly to the last Light of Day!" He chanted the battle chant of all Wyvern Riders of Grado as Medea took off, flying straight down the corridor towards the enemy lancer. He threw his lance straight into the air, giving Medea a signal to do an aerial loop for him to catch the weapon, diving straight for the lancer's exposed neck.