[h3]~Occult Class, Ukatan University~[/h3] Eddie and Akane's tardiness did not go unnoticed but fortunately, no fuss was made of it. The teacher was young, or at least looked young, and announced that every class would have three easy, non-graded questions including today. The questions for the day was what's the name, where one was from and why Occult Studies Class. The teacher mentioned his name, Thomas Joren, and that he was from the United States. A detail that piqued Eddie's interest. After Akane introduced herself, the actor was next. "[color=00aeef]Well I'm Patrick Edward Culiar, I'm from the U.S. just like you teach and... well I had my agent arrange my classes for me so...[/color]" ----- [h3]~Just outside of Ukatan University~[/h3] The class was... interesting. Eddie was not sure what he just learned but now that class was over, the actor proceeded to search for his Servant. He was not sure where but if some magical Servant wanted to spend money, Eddie figured it was the shopping district and so there he went. He just hoped she did not do anything stupid while he was gone.