[b]Name:[/b] Arina Lécuyer [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Occupation:[/b] [i]Illegal:[/i] Management of all Street Drug Sales Management of all Street Prostitution Informant for Mafia [i]Legal: [/i] Previously: Waitress Current: Public Relations Officer [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider][URL=http://s1230.photobucket.com/user/CaughtInTheRiddle/media/user23635_pic43209_1339696297_zpsd5815b7c.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1230.photobucket.com/albums/ee486/CaughtInTheRiddle/user23635_pic43209_1339696297_zpsd5815b7c.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Arina is a playful type to say the least; modest is not in her vocabulary which makes her unfavourable towards many other females. Manipulative, cunning and very tramp like, Arina would stop at nothing to get what she wants; however, despite her rather amazing yet completely unnecessary gift to make everything she wears look, well, immodest, and her touchy and flirtatious nature, she will fight to the death before she lets an undesired male touch her. Shallow and sharp-tongued, she’s quick to attack someone’s emotional weakness for her own enjoyment. She’s selfish and will do anything to save herself before she saves another life. However, despite her unlikable nature, if she deems one worthy of her loyalty, she will follow them to the ends of the earth without question. Nevertheless, she will show that trait to anyone and then lead them astray, she’s a hard book to read and is a hellion to have as an enemy; but, if her trust is gained, she’s a good ally. It’s hard to pick which side Arina is on; she doesn’t tend to side with anyone. One day she’ll help someone and the next, she’s working only for herself. It’s not often she’ll act her age, childish and immature are her normal attributes. She’s incredibly lazy and will bribe others to get what she wants. She doesn’t take much seriously which can often help in serious and life-threatening situations. Calm, cool and collected is her game as it takes a lot for her rage to break. [b]History: [/b] Arina can’t place her skinny finger on how much she remembers of her childhood nor does she really care to. Unlike many of her comrades, she had the perfect life – she was brought up in a wealthy, well respected home with an angsty older brother, a trophy mother and a strict father. As the daughter of a major corporation CEO, she was given anything she wanted, any time she wanted. Her mother was a woman who probably should never have had children – the woman probably couldn’t tell the difference between a baby and a potato sack even if she baked them… and she’d still probably manage to blow up the kitchen in the process. Her children were merely for show – to make it look like they were the perfect family. So Arina’s first memories of childhood were with her twin brother and Nanny, who cared for them as her own. Eventually they grew and while Christopher went away to school and she was left behind – home schooled, and although she had the undivided attention of her Nanny, she still felt alone. With the solitude, she was able to excel in her learning capabilities and by the time it was her time to go to a real school, she was able to maintain good grades along with popularity. Her Father was a cold man. She knew it wasn’t that he hated her or Christopher, he just didn’t know how to care for anyone other than himself and his company, so she never resented him for that. His children were to be seen and not heard, and she was okay with that. As she grew into her teens, she was beautiful, popular and intelligent – the perfect daughter of the perfect family. Christopher however, had gone off the rails – he had abandoned all of his extra-curricular activities, he was out all night and sleeping all day. Eventually, after long and tiring arguments with his family, he left home and his parents fundamentally disowned him. Arina graduated and looked at her prospects for college, however, she made the decision not to go – after an all but random lunch date with her brother whom she hadn’t seen in years. He was doing well for himself; illegally, but it didn’t matter much to her. He offered her a place at his side, working and ensuring order was maintained on the streets. She’s not sure what made her say yes, but she knows she enjoys what she does and the life she leads. [b]Skills: [/b] Arina is a people reader – she’s great at scoping for the darkest secrets of those around her. She is skilled in karate with a black belt attained. Obviously Arina doesn’t practice her martial art skills so she keeps fit by training in parkour with her brother. She is also a heavy drinker... which she considers to be a skill. [b]Gear:[/b] At least $5000 cash. For… emergencies… She always carries three small, sleek flick blades. [b]Other:[/b] Vigil. Arina is very ostentatious – try not to hate her too much. She watches people - anyone and everyone. It's a hobby of hers; she likes to know everyone's dirty little secrets. She hates guns - she deems them as completely rude and impersonal weapons. ---------- [b]Name:[/b] Christopher Lécuyer [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Occupation: [/b] [i]Illegal:[/i] Management of all Street Drug Sales Management of all Street Prostitution [i]Legal:[/i] Current: Body Guard [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider][URL=http://s1230.photobucket.com/user/CaughtInTheRiddle/media/Stills/Chris.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1230.photobucket.com/albums/ee486/CaughtInTheRiddle/Stills/Chris.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Christopher’s pride, one could say his self-importance, stems from his physical qualifications. That is not to say he isn’t with his allures; he’s charming and exceedingly charismatic. Eccentric is a word that best describes his ways. He doesn’t have a tendency to waste time on formalities and official procedures. Pride in himself and his work is evident and respect or reverence isn’t something Christopher possesses for those he does not know and sustains no problem in sharing his dogma. He has the drollness of a mordant cynic; he’s sarcastic. Christopher sustains a weakness for trouble and should he find none he will craft it himself. Not anything is of worry to him, negligent and blasé, he can bear a great deal before he snaps. However; despite his quirky behaviour and his love for women, Chris isn’t the nicest of men. Unlike his little sister, he takes a side, and sometimes that side can be questionable. Chris is protective over those he deems his friends; however, those are few and far between – and in the interest of his own goals, he would happily abandon a friend to peruse them. Those he dislikes are well aware of his opinions as he is not one to bite his tongue or hide his negative feelings. His care for his family is limited and he’d happily watch his sister die if he believed she deserved it or if it benefited him in some way. His fighting style is cheap – he’s not the kind to be noble or show mercy. If finishing the fight sooner means delivering a cheap shot, he has no remorse in his actions. He’ll do anything to win. [b]History: [/b] Christopher wasn’t treated too terribly as a child. As the first born son of the acclaimed Lécuyer family – so much was expected from him and he wasn’t a fan of following in his father’s footsteps. He always looked to his sister who was treated like a princess and silently resented her for that. If Arina had a distant relationship with their parents, his was non-existent. His mother only saw him passing through in the manor and every time his father spoke to him, it was telling him to be better. So, as he grew, his disdain for his family was warranted. He was the bad boy in school and was always falling out of line. Making trouble wherever he could. He was expelled from boarding school and had to graduate back in his home town living under the same roof as his family once more. Police encounters, hospital encounters and more were just a small taste of what he managed to get himself into, and occasionally he’d drag Arina along with him – and every time, she’d get out of whatever punishment that was dealt. When he left home, he lost contact with everyone – including his kid sister. He took to the streets and found himself involved with people of the roughest sort. He was swept up into the mafia and has been working for them ever since. His people skills tend to gain him more enemies than friends, so when he was sent out to deal with the streets – he asked his sister to join him; hoping she would help ease bad situations. [b]Skills: [/b] Like his sister, Chris is talented in martial arts, with a black belt attained. He keeps fit by training in parkour with his sister. He’s also a killer cook – funnily enough. [b]Gear:[/b] Kimber Supercarry Pro Pistol Aston Martin 310 Vanquish [b]Other: [/b] Vigil. [b]Vote: [/b] English Mafia