Excadrill was raring for a battle. "Kaki, I choose you!" Shiranui sent out his Charizard and the battle was on. "If you think Excadrill is disadvantaged, think again!" stated Iris, "Excadrill, Rock Slide!" "Kaki, Smokescreen!" Kaki breathed out a dense cloud of smoke that concealed the Charizard. Excadrill's attack missed. "Excadrill, Rock slide again!" "Kaki, Flare Blitz! Mega Ring activate!" Shiranui activated his Mega Ring and Kaki was engulfed in an orb. The orb shattered to reveal a Mega Charizard X and Kaki charged at Excadrill, engulfed in blue flames. The Tough Claws ability that Kaki now had increased the power of her attack to the equivalency of a Blast Burn. Excadrill tried to execute a counterattack, but Kaki was too fast. The Mega Charizard X struck Excadrill for some heavy damage while feeling the recoil damage. Excadrill was barely holding on as Iris—despite never facing a mega-evolved Pokémon before—kept her composure. "Excadrill, Drill Run!" "Kaki, Flamethrower!" Excadrill put its claws together with the one on its head and charged at Kaki, spinning like a drill. Kaki breathed out a searing blast of fire that Excadrill tried to drill through. Excadrill broke through and struck Kaki for a super effective hit, but at the cost of coming out of the attack with its body charred. Excadrill fell over and Shiranui won the battle.