The clock read 5:00 AM as it's alarm had buzzed off. Scout had awoken with a bright smile knowing today was going to be a great day. With eagerness he quickly rushed through his morning routine. First he made his older sister and father a wonderful breakfast. It included two large pillowy pancakes caked in whipped cream and drowned in maple syrup and on top of both of them were strawberries and chocolate chips. Having run out of ingredients he made himself some toast without butter that was slightly burnt. Next he fed his two kittens who had been meowing at him for since they noticed he was awake. It came time to pack and Scout's suitcase was overstuffed. It contained 5 sets of clothes, 2 hats, 3 cans of bug spray, 2 bottles of sunblock, 2 sleeping bags, 10 different bags of candy, 2 boxes of matches, 2 of everything else needed for a camping trip. He had also brought medical supplies. He always made sure to be prepared for others. If someone else were to forget to bring something he'd be there for them to give them a spare. He could barley carry his suitcase but managed to drag it all the way to the school, this is why he made it to the group at 8:00 instead of his 7:00 goal. When he arrived he saw that some of his friends were already there. He noticed David was stuck in a bush but seeing as Ryan was already helping him he went ahead to greet the girls. "Good morning Ruby," he said with a kind smile. "Hi Cassandra, Hello Krista. Riley this is so exiting! If you need any help just ask. Actually does anyone want me to load their bags for them?"