"Threatening" is a very subjective matter. I myself mostly agree with Perfect's assessment of the appearances, I think, at least going by my mental image of the people there after reading the character sheets (yes, including Jester's image). A huge dark knight (who I have been assuming is over two meters tall ... well, not so much assuming as my mental image of him is that tall to be able to be tower over my own 1.83 character and everyone else - I typically only use the expression "tower over" when the height-difference is over twenty centimeters, or noticeably more than a head's worth) in full armor and a polearm who supposedly knows what to do with the latter is definitely the greatest objective threat. The Jester is more likely to just weird people out than actually be effective combatant against someone armed and ready. (Granted, plain weirding people out often actually works to ward off some [i]sane[/i] attackers. And plenty of random spectators, too, even if they are many and bigger than you each.) - Interestingly enough, I also kind of naturally assumed Maldron's weapons would be concealed even when the CS did not explicitly state it ... mental autocomplete, I suppose.