[center] Name: Robyn Capuche Age: 16 Appearance (real images only): [img]http://s6.favim.com/orig/65/beautiful-beauty-blue-eyes-brown-hair-Favim.com-596188.jpg[/img] Year of Education: 11th (Junior Year) Favourite Subject: Gym Personality (optional): Robyn, on the outside, seems to be the perfect girl. She is extremely nice, sweet, and caring. She does not seem to hurt a fly and is nice to anyone who talks to her. She is smart and outgoing, an extrovert more than an introvert. She’s not afraid to meet new people or try new things and she always stands up for what she feels is right. She could be classified as more of a nerdy girl, considering the fact that she plays video games and studies a lot more than she should. Background (optional): Robyn’s childhood was typical. She grew up with upper middle class parents and her childhood was normal. She loved her parents and, being an only child, she had all of their love as well. That all changed when they went camping. There had been reports of someone breaking out of an insane asylum nearby and people were warned to stay in their houses, but her parents didn’t listen. She was out swimming in the lake when she heard screams coming from her campsite. She ran back immediately and saw that her parents had been brutally murdered. The man, the insane one, was nowhere to be found though, and she was left without parents. She was only eight at the time. She went to live with her grandmother uptown, but she kept having nightmares about that night. Finally, she was walking down the street to her middle school when she saw a combat school. She thought it looked interesting and immediately begged her grandmother to let her enroll for the summer. She did, and Robyn learned more about fighting in one summer than most army soldiers do in a whole year. She only did it for that summer, but she mastered archery and some hand to hand fighting styles. Though she still holds the sweet persona, she is, technically, a badass when it comes to fighting. Significant Relationships with any other Characters: Doesn’t really have any. She is nice, but she doesn’t hold friends very well. Other: I dare you to look up what Capuche means in French. xD Also, she loves the color green and though her parents were murdered in the woods, she still loves to go camping. [/center]