As good as gourmet Chinese food would be, Guan was curious on what the Japanese people ate everyday. As far as knowledge from the Grail went, it seemed as if the food was.... similar at best, but not the same as his dear home country China. And he would prefer to eat gourmet Chinese food made by the fair hands of a Chinese maiden. He would settle with sushi or whatever else Japanese people ate. [color=bc8dbf]"Regardless of that, I shall bring victory to you, Master!"[/color] The invisible Lancer said. [color=bc8dbf]"Also, make sure to call me Lancer. Having my identity discovered would put me at a disadvantage."[/color] [hr] [h3]Construction Site[/h3] With his master hidden and with his helmet under his arm, there was only one part of the puzzle that was still lacking. He took his helmet and put it on, making his blue eyes glow in the dark yet again. He put his arm out, and soon enough, his naginata appeared out of thin air. He grabbed it and started spinning it around as if to show off, though the only one there right now was his Master of course, he still wanted to show her just what kind of warrior he was. [color=bc8dbf]"Watch me, Zhu! I shall show you just how powerful the Lancer class is in reality!"[/color] Striking his naginata into the ground and the blade burying into it, Guan smirked, ready to face whatever opponent may appear. He wished them to be Saber or Archer, as he would be able to get rid of the most troublesome ones in one fell swoop. [color=bc8dbf]"I cannot wait to see what destiny has in store for me..... Even Berserker would be a pleasant surprise at this point."[/color] Of course, he was just joking in that last one. He wouldn't like it to be Berserker, not at all. Even more so since they probably were nothing but a mass of moving muscles with no brain. The sole idea was terrifying. He also hoped that his opponent wouldn't be a woman, it would become extremely troublesome for him to hurt them in any way. [@TwilightDragon]