[hider=Reference Pictures] (Please use this hider for ALL images! Please include every picture you want viewed in this hider. Label them accordingly.)[/hider] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] [indent]Kragen Mallor(AKA Demon Hunter Kragen) [/indent] [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] [indent]32 [/indent] [u][b]Race:[/b][/u] [indent]Human [/indent] [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [indent] Kragen is 6'8" in height. He has light colored skin. He has short red hair. A beard covers the lower half of his face. There is a massive scar that goes across his face. He wears a black cloak.Under the cloak is fairly basic clothing. Attached to his back by a sling of sorts is a massive axe. Under his clothing his body is covered in scars from many battle wounds over the years. He also has a strange mark on his backside.[/indent] [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] [indent]To others Kragen usually seems like an very uncaring person. He rarely stops to listen to or respond to anyone. This is because he knows he has things he absolutely has to do and can not allow himself to be distracted from it. Still on the inside he is a very damaged person and everything he does is to ensure that others do not share his suffering. [/indent] [u][b]Morality/Religion:[/b][/u] [indent]Kragen doesn't care much for any of the gods. He absolutely hates Derirt and all of his evil creations. He doesn't like him but Kragen is devoted to finding Kurladt. Kragen doesn't have much of a system of morality. He simply feels an obligation to better the world by ridding it of monsters(even human ones) that would hurt the innocent. Other than that Kragen doesn't much care what happens to other people. [/indent] [u][b]Biography:[/b][/u][indent]Kragen was born into the old world. His father Krogan was famous in his city as a dragon slayer. Krogan and a team of warriors had been sent to deal with a dragon who had been harassing the city named Drachech. Krogan had dealt the final blow to the beast's head with an axe called Wyrm's Bane. Ever since Wyrm's Bane had hung above the fire place in the Mallor family home. As a young child Kragen had often dreamt of becoming a hero like his father. His older brother had already joined the city's military. Kragen's father had trained him from the age of 8 in the ways of war. Kragen's mother discouraged it. She was concerned for Kragen. She argued with the peace in the world there was no need for more soldiers. Still Kragen's fascination continued. Then The Great Decent happened. Kragen and his family were lucky enough to get out of the city. They hid for a good while in a small village. Kragen, his brother, and his father joined the towns guard. During the winter the town was assaulted by Derirt's demons. Abominations large and small destroyed everything. While defending the town a massive monster had struck Krogan. Krogan fell to the ground and Wyrm's Bane fell to his side. Kragen having seen this ran to his father. He then grabbed Wyrm's Bane and struck the monster with it. The monster seemed to fall dead. With the demon fallen Kragen went to tend to his fathers wounds. He didn't realize the demon he had struck was still alive. The creature in it's dying act bit into Kragen's back and sent a claw through Krogan's head killing him. Kragen quickly responding shook off the beast and buried his axe's head into the monster killing it. A black marking appeared on Kragen's back. It burned with intensity. Kragen was in a panic. He looked around and saw the other guards overwhelmed by demonic monsters. He saw a demon rip off his brothers head. Kragen in his desperation ran from the village and didn't stop running until his legs refused to move. For a long time Kragen wandered from place to place taking whatever jobs he could get. As Kragen roamed he found himself frequently assaulted by monsters. Every time Derirt's minions neared the mark on his back burned. Over time Kragen grew to welcome the pain. It was a warning. It kept him alive. Eventually Kragen met with a cleric who told him that the mark on his back was the mark of Derirt. The mark would attract any servant of Derirt to him. Kragen with this news found himself with new purpose. He now knew who had sent the monsters that had killed his family and cursed him. It was then he decided to devote himself to killing Derirt. Upon hearing this the cleric simply told Kragen that what he wanted was impossible. Kragen responded by saying "Then Ill die trying." For many years Kragen searched for a way to kill the god. Eventually he ran into a group of dwarves who told him about Kurladt the Forge Master. A God who made armor and weapons for other gods. Kragen proceeded with the belief that Kurladt could forge a weapon that could kill a god. Still Kurladt was an Anti-God. Though according to legends he could be swayed with gold. To the end of gathering riches Kragen traveled to the port city of Urenda. [/indent] [u][b]Other Notes:[/b][/u][indent]Kragen over the years has gained himself a reputation for killing demons.[/indent] [u][b]Class:[/b][/u] [indent]Great Weapon Fighter (A warrior skilled with a weapon of great size and weight.)[/indent] [u][b]Skill Points:[/b][/u] [indent]1 / 7[/indent] [u][b]Weapons/Tools:[/b][/u][list][*]Wyrm's Bane (A massive battle axe created for purpose of slaying dragons and other large monsters)[*]A simple knife[/list] [u][b]Skills/Abilities:[/b][/u][list][*]Fighting Style:Great Weapon+[*]Natural Affinity: Strength+[/list] [u][b]Natural Abilities:[/b][/u][list][*]Great Leap(character can jump a fair distance with weapon drawn)[*]Pain Resistance(character has a high tolerance for pain)[/list] [u][b]Magical Abilities:[/b][/u][indent]Mark of Derirt: Any time Derirt's minions near this mark on Kragen's back burns intensely [/indent] [u][b]Spells:[/b][/u] [list][/list] [u][b]General Equipment:[/b][/u][list][*]Satchel[*]Some basic food items[*]Bandages [/list]