[center] [img]http://37.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8v4j4Ihfc1rqw7udo1_r1_500.png[/img] [hider=Wings and Tattoo] [img]http://www.questsofquirkiness.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CoolWings.jpg[/img] [img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/019/1/d/fire_alchemy_tattoo_2_by_yakve-d4mzbhp.jpg[/img] [/hider] [u][b][color=33FF99]Name[/color][/b][/u] [i] [color=33FF66]My name is Danica Collins, but please call me Dan[/color][/i] [u][b] [color=33FFCC]Alchemist Name[/color][/b][/u] [i] [color=33FF66] They call me the Fairy Alchemist[/color][/i] [u][b][color=33FFCC]Age[/color][/b][/u] [i][color=33FF66]I am 19 years old[/color][/i] [u][b][color=33FFCC]Gender[/color][/b][/u] [i][color=33FF66]Well my nickname may make you think that I am a male but I am very obviously a female.[/color][/i] [u][b] [color=33FFCC]Alchemy Type[/color][/b][/u] [i][color=33FF66]I use Plant Alchemy. A special part of my alchemy is my wings made out of vines, I can manipulate the area around the vines to make them fly. I also have transmutation circles on my back as a tattoo.[/color][/i] [u][b] [color=33FFCC]Personality[/color][/b][/u] [i][color=33FF66]I am often described as a bubbly, outgoing girl but people who have seen me fight know just exactly what I'm capable of. I am not seen as a threat but due to my background I know how to fight extremely well. I am not one to mess with too much for I will turn cold and show my extremely feisty side. But if you are nice to me I am nice to you. I really take on the saying, "Treat someone how you want to be treated." Treat me in a nice way and I will do the same, treat me like shit... well you better be prepared.[/color][/i] [u][b][color=33FFCC]Bio[/color][/b][/u] [i][color=33FF66]I was born into a poor family. My father had abandoned us to try and bring back my mother from death. All I had was my older brother Evan. By the time I was 5 we were living on the streets. The only thing left from my dad was all of his alchemy stuff, which I took an instant interest in. As we grew up on the streets I taught myself alchemy while helping my older brother find food and water. Then we began to steal things in order to survive. This started when I was 9. I'd use my basics of alchemy while my brother used his stealth and skills to get what we needed. We only ever took food and water though. That was all. Life was pretty basic, my skills grew better while we kept on stealing food. Then it happened..... the day my brother died by the hands of rogue, evil alchemist. He saw us stealing one night when I was 16. He wanted my brother and I to steal something and kill anyone in our way. We didn't want to but he threatened us. We refused and that made him angry, especially when my brother and I tried to run. He and my brother began to fight and I attempted to use alchemy against him. He smirked and killed my brother with his own alchemy easily. While I was in shock he grabbed me and threw me on the ground next to my dead brother. He ripped the back of my shirt exposing my back before using my brothers blood and his alchemy to tattoo my back with the transmutation circles on my back. The state found us when he was finishing up the circle. They killed him and saved me but not before the evil man activated the circle. Giving me my lovely wings. That's the day I became an alchemist for the state. No test or anything. They helped me figure out how to make my wings go away and return while also focusing my alchemy more towards plants. That's how I became the way I am today.[/color][/i] [u][b] [color=33FFCC]Coalition or State?[/color][/b][/u] [i][color=33FF66]I work for the State[/color][/i] [u][b] [color=33FFCC]Level in State[/color][/b][/u] [i][color=33FF66]I am apart of the Special-Ops, but my missions are typically solo[/color][/i] [u][b] [color=33FFCC]Outfit[/color][/b][/u] [i][color=33FF66]I wear the dress from my picture typically but for missions I wear black leather pants or shorts, a strapless cropped black and white stripped top, a black leather jacket, and black heeled boots.[/color][/i] [u][b] [color=33FFCC]Theme Song[/color][/b][/u] [i] [color=33FF66]For now - [url]https://youtu.be/JuR9Pjfps2E[/url][/color][/i] [u][b][color=33FFCC]Other[/color][/b][/u] [i][color=33FF66]I love to sing and play guitar. I also love dancing![/color][/i] [/center]