[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/X4vZOKf.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Lanette La Fleur [b]Alchemist Name:[/b] Bullseye [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Alchemy Type:[/b] Earth Alchemy(Transmutation of the ground, mountains of rock, etc. she is able to manipulate it to her will) [b]Personality:[/b] Lanette is a laid-back and approachable figure whom speaks in a lax and slow tone. The young woman appears rather collected and knowledgable, and this is shown often when she speaks with others. When she has been made an enemy, Lanette is not a force to be trifled with. Her once cool nature is replaced with someone more bloodthirsty and intimidating, her mere gaze sending shivers down the spines of those weaker than she. [b]Bio:[/b] Lanette was born inside of a quaint home, deep within the valleys and mountains, north of the Capitol. Her parents were rather well-known Alchemists - both utilizing Earth and Water respectively to dominate any enemies to the State. With this being so, Lanette was obviously expected to join the military once she became of age - and, obviously, she excelled at this, under the tutor of her parents. Around the age of ten, she was being taught the uses and efficiency of utilizing weaponry to her advantage - her talent in guns almost bar to none, with the pure accuracy and precision her shots were, even when the rifle was as large as she was tall. As the years passed by, she began learning alchemy at the age of fifteen, a worthy age to begin her alchemy training, as noted by both her father and mother. This was rather interesting, seeing as she had to choose between her mother's Water Alchemy, and her father's Earth Alchemy. Eventually, after witnessing the man blast a pillar of pure stone into the air, precisely nailing a bird, she quickly went with his Alchemy type. Turned out she was actually a natural at Earth Alchemy, and creating transmutation circles on the earth was easy due to her natural talent in the art. As expected, at seventeen, she joined the military, easily moving up in the ranks, and becoming well-respected as a hard-working soldier of the State. [b]Coalition or State?:[/b] State [b]Level in State:[/b] Commander(If that's acceptable) [b]Outfit:[/b] In the picture [b]Theme Song:[/b] C2C - Down the Road [b]Other:[/b] Her eye is concealed under her bangs since it is the less dominant eye.[/center]