[b]Name[/b]: Mark Winters (Streak was his old nick) [b]Age[/b]:37 [b]Occupation[/b]: Illegal: * Body [s]treatment[/s] disposal. * Torture service comes free of charge. Legal: * Previously: Bike mechanic * Current: 'Junkyard technician' [b]Appearance[/b]: * 188cm, tall strong and muscular build. * Tattoos line his entire body. * Hair is black with a red streak on the right. Photo is slightly not safe for work due to male nipple exposure. [hider=Photo] [img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/318/b/b/bleach_cosplay___abarai_renji_by_ashitaro-d6u70vt.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Personality[/b]: * In three words - wild, cocky, doesn't give a shit. [b]History[/b]: Mark first started in vandalism and looting stores, setting fire to the ones that pissed him off. Not belonging to any particular group back then, he quickly found himself in jail for property damage and theft. When he got out, he took to cagefighting where he met his current boss, apparently by accidentally squirting a large amount of his opponent's blood onto the Boss. (History subject to change depending on which Mafia we decide on) [b]Skills[/b]: * Body disposal * Torture * Theft * Vandalism * Beating shit out of people for fun [b]Gear[/b]: [url=http://img.dxcdn.com/productimages/sku_49516_1.jpg]* Favourite baseball bat[/url] [url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/67/Desert_Eagle_Chrome.JPG]* Desert Eagle[/url] [url=http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090604043524/gtawiki/images/b/bd/MP5-GTA4.png]* MP5[/url] [url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/50/Ducati_748_Studio.jpg]* Ducati[/url] * Equipment used for torture, mutilation and disposal. Vivisection if he feels mean. [b]Other[/b]: Vigil. * Mark likes boobs. But be warned, those who RP as a guy. If you make your guy too sexy and alluring, you'll start to find that Mark has the hots for you. He'll understand a solid 'no' of course. That being said, he currently has no romantic interest, unless the bike counts. * When Mark gets drunk he starts talking to the wall! Please don't film him. * Mark can't dance. * Don't go near the junkyard dogs. He feeds them human meat. You're human meat. Those are cheap chains.