Hello Mahz. So we figured some things out, and it'll come down to whether or not you can code in the point system. Basically, we want to know if you can code in a automatic point addition/deduction system in which, 100 Points for winners 50 for draws 25 for loss If possible, we would like it if this was something we could adjust as we plan on having 3-4 tournaments a year for points as well, with possible different points for each. This would also help with the proposed wager system we want to include. For the wager system, we would like the minimum wagerable points to be 25, anything over 25 would.constitute the point deduction. 25 Itself would just take away the point gain for a loss. Also a "verification" system, so either the mandatory judge, or both participants have to verify the results before points are alloted. We are also looking forward to the win/loss thing. And wondered if you could make it opt-in/out, as well as add our changing ranks under the profiles like where the bio and status is. The point system is similar to the Hall of Records one, but that included a 10% gain for winners and 10% loss for losers. So in theory coding the points should be possible in some fashion. If you can't, we can more or less make due, but you mentioned you wanted to put some more shine on the arena so I thought we would try. You can check out the Chat Thread for our progress so far. If you have any questions you can direct them to me, or post in the chat thread yourself, and someone will answer you - most likely. As a possible, could the last tournament be promoted by the Guild? As far as I'm concerned that could be the biggest tournament as it would take place towards the end of the year. Any word on the dice system?