Picture - [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/favouritetvseries/images/1/1e/Teen_dean.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20121214175308[/img] Name - Lyle Age - 16 Status - Inmate Personality - Lyle is extremely protective of his sister. Being kept from her infuriates him. Unlike his sister he doesn't come off as innocuous, people tend to get weird vibes from him. When around his sister it is clear that of the two he has a bit better grasp of how human society works, but he usually allows his sister to do as she pleases. The only emotion Lyle shows is when it is concerned with Lilly, be that love toward her, or anger at someone who had hurt her. It hasn't matter what they did to him, except save playing her screams, he has not reacted. At the sound of her screams Lyle killed two orderlies and hospitalized another three before they subdued him. Brief Bio - Lyle and his sister were taken from their parents when the couple were arrested for multiple murders. They were separated and placed into different foster homes, but both siblings were wild and uncontrollable when separated. Hoping to improve their behavior the court ordered them placed in the same foster home, reuniting them. But that was the worst thing they could have done. While apart the siblings were nearly impossible to handle, but together they were a lethal combination of cannibalistic killers. After slaughtering their foster family the two were taken into custody and deemed unfit to stand trial because of their mental status. Since then they had been confined to Scarlet Meadows Asylum, where the director has been using them as subjects in a behavioral study about the psychological bond between siblings and their craving for human flesh as well as the need they have to 'play' with their victims.