Jake had been one of the last to return having created some interference for the support member to make it back alone. "Useless idiot... I should taken the bumbling fool with me." Jake muttered to himself after assisting with the transporting of the major, a tricky task considering he had two files pinned to his chest with 1 arm beneath his jacket. The small distance comprised mainly of apologies for his 'current state of fatigue', nowhere near the case. But he had his orders and this intel was property of Galbadia Garden and it was his job to find out if any of it was useful. Following the very brief follow up on what to expect next Jake reached across and swiftly struck a nearby cursing SeeD across the back of the head "Hey, you all had your roles to play. If you were left here it was for your own good understand?" The support SeeD nodded his head before proceeding to rub it. "Good, you tell your friends if I catch any of them complaining I'll put them through their paces." Silent acknowledging what Jake had said the support SeeD had scurried off to rejoin his friends. Being able to drop the formal act Jake let out a heavy sigh as he proceeded to a quiet section of the compound. Not that anywhere was silent, but there were places that would less populated. Sitting down against the wall Jake brought his knees close to his chest as he took out the Galbadia Garden file and began to carefully scan over its contents. The SeeD occasionally raised his head to take a quick observation to check if anyone was getting to close before returning to his reading. There wasn't much from what he had read in the first few pages mainly rumours and speculation, such could be expected in an expendable office. But the hope still remained that they weren't all complete idiots, for those that know they're expendable could keep good secrets safe. Hearing the sound of approaching footsteps Jake folded the file shut, placing at his side before stating. "Go away SeeDling, if I wanted your thanks for protecting your sorry hide I'd seek it out." The support SeeD, looking rather frustrated didn't need to be told twice it seemed. "Well that was easy." Jake chuckled as he raised his head to look around before picking the file up once more. It was looking to be a long night of reading ahead for him.