[s]Name: Voel Koveth Age: 218 Race: Moon Elf Appearance: Like many moon elves, Voel is possessed of very pale skin and eyes of a vibrant shade of crimson, with a thick mop of black hair atop his head; he is moderately muscular, and about 186cm tall. His clothing consists of blue silken trousers, a white undershirt, and a simple vest of the same colour as his trousers. Personality: Voel is generally a very calm and pragmatic individual, whose personal philosophy dictates that he try to defuse tricky social situations when possible, or at the very least not aggravate such situations any more than they already are. He is not fond of fighting others, and will avoid doing so if possible, but is direct when it comes to ending fights decisively - he will use as much force as is necessary to stop somebody from attacking him, and if it is the case that he is forced to kill them to do this, then so be it. That being said, he is not fond of those who would make the situation any worse than it already is for the inhabitants of Reath, and tends to count, for instance, bandits as a social situation to be defused, with as much power as is necessary if worst comes to worst. Religious Vocation: Voel worships on a general basis all the deities one might expect him to - Relanthon and Sylsetria, as loyalist members of the elven pantheon; Arrela, as the patron god of mages like himself; and Elanom, on account of their shared affinity for the moons of Reath. With that said, his primary focus for worship is the Lady of the Night, on account of her continued direct assistance of mortals on their plane, and he can often be found staying up late to provide worship to her as directly as possible, i.e. at night, and ideally under at least one moon. Biography: Voel's life was, until the Descent, one of relative simplicity. Living under the rule of Lord Tanmion, his childhood was unremarkable, and he, as quite a smart individual whose physical power was not quite up to par, trained as an elemental mage for a great many years, acquiring skill in three of the four basic elements to the point that he could utilise them in a great variety of ways, not limited to only specific forms of attack with any given element. His next choice regarding what to do with his life seemed evident, namely to expand into manipulation and mastery of earth magic before moving on to more advanced elements, but that was before a gang of thieves mugged him and left him for dead. Whilst he recovered fully, the experience left him somewhat traumatised, and he vowed never to allow such a physical threat into his life again; as such, he chose instead to take up some form of self defense class to protect himself with, eventually deciding upon the martial art of Yael'is Non, taught to him to the level of mastery by a young ground elf name Janaena. To cut a long story short, he and Janaena ultimately fell in love with one another, marrying around three-quarters of the way through Voel's training, and eventually producing a son once they had the time to raise a family; additionally, Voel managed to combine his physical and magic ability into a unique attack that could disable a target relatively harmlessly, leaving them stunned on the ground, a feat which proved its worth some time later when he was attacked again by the same gang, the end result this time being a curbstomp in his favour. Alas, Voel's union with Janaena was not to last: the Descent came, demons and shadows flooded the land, and Voel lost both his wife and son to an attack by the minions of Mandyl, barely surviving himself for want of his magical ability. Even so, Voel found himself wanting, almost needing to figure out a way of avoiding such a fate should the Shadows come for him to finish what they started. Thus, he began a fifteen-year-long journey across the remnants of Raeth, to search for some semblance of magic that could assist him in this task, until finally, he came across a form of magic to let him control the shadows around him, which was ultimately modified into a spell that, when applied, would let him take control of the Living Shadows themselves, and turn them against their brethren outright. This leads us to Voel's current situation - wandering the planet in search of something to do, and, he has more recently found, people to protect from themselves as well as the monsters roaming the land: bandits are more common than he'd like to see, and Voel's past experiences with their ilk leads him to take out malicious mortals and hellspawn alike wherever they are found. Other Notes: Much of Voel's skillset is based around a surprisingly avoidant attitude - if something bad happens to him, he tends to veer towards training to ensure that that bad thing can't happen to him again, and with the lifespan of an elf behind him, he is willing to expend a great amount of time toward achieving these goals; in the post-Descent world, this attitude is also projected outwards into a desire to assist others and keep society from degrading any further than it already has. Class: Mage Skill Points: 0/6 Fighting Styles: [b]Yael'is Non[/b]: Translating roughly to "Yielding Art", this Elvish martial art is the equivalent of Jujutsu/Jujitsu in the real world, and functions on similar principles - namely, manipulating the force or energy of a martial opponent against them, particularly if that opponent is heavily armed and/or armoured, through use of grappling techniques such as pins, joint locks, holds and throws, as well as utilising more painful attacks such as bites or gouges once a grapple is achieved. Voel considers it useful when an opponent decides to charge into melee range toward him in a manner that does not heed his normal magical threats, a major weakness of many mages. Magic Styles: Elemental, Shadow Natural Affinities: None Skills/Abilities: [b]Sealing Strike[/b]: Focusing his mana into any point on his body, Voel strikes an opponent with the focus point, generating a disruptive magical shock that, if performed correctly, forces all of the target's muscles to go limp at once and completely disrupts their ability to channel mana, effectively paralysing them both physically and magically for about half an hour. The ideal target for this attack is the base of the neck, where the magical shock can have maximum effect as it reverberates throughout the target's body, but any point along the target's spine will have a similar effect, with perhaps a shorter duration, and even non-optimal strike locations such as limbs can still cause paralysis of the struck body part and any body parts which rely on it, as well as making casting much more difficult for the target anyway. The main weakness of this ability is how relatively precise it needs to be to function correctly - whilst Voel's fighting style can help him restrain opponents for long enough to utilise this attack, he requires a few moments to focus his mana and a lack of significant distractions to make sure he does not mess up his focusing or targeting, and an opponent making a particularly concerted effort to free themselves can lead to neither of these being possible. Worse still is what happens if his focus is disrupted once the focus point is generated; if he is sufficiently distracted in the brief period between the focus point being created and actually striking the target, the energy within the focus point may instead ricochet back into Voel's own body, paralysing the areas of his body within a (relatively) short distance of the focus point and severely disrupting his channelling ability, which has a very good chance of leading to his demise given that he is unlikely to use it when he is not already trying to disable an active opponent. Furthermore, even if the ability is successfully utilised, any use of Sealing Strike will result in a brief period of magical inactivity as his mana recirculates around his body, though no more than fifteen to thirty seconds for any given Strike depending on where he placed his focus (the further from his core, the more time needed to restabilise mana flow), and he is not physically disabled as a result of a successful Sealing Strike. Spells: [b]Pyrokinesis[/b]: A relatively generic elemental ability, pyrokinesis involves use of mana to generate and manipulate various quantities of elemental fire, usually in the form of fireballs or flame waves. Whilst versatile in terms of how it can be applied, this spell does not particularly allow for more specialised uses such as healing, being an effectively purely destructive ability. [b]Aquakinesis[/b]: A relatively generic elemental ability, aquakinesis involves use of mana to generate and manipulate various quantities of elemental water, usually in the form of water blasts or liquid waves. Whilst versatile in terms of how it can be applied, this spell does not particularly allow for more specialised uses such as healing, being an effectively purely destructive ability. [b]Aerokinesis[/b]: A relatively generic elemental ability, aerokinesis involves use of mana to generate and manipulate various quantities of elemental air, usually in the form of wind slashes or air blasts. Whilst versatile in terms of how it can be applied, this spell does not particularly allow for more specialised uses such as healing, being an effectively purely destructive ability. [b]Command Shadow[/b]: Forcing his mana into the body of a Living Shadow, Voel forcibly takes control of that Shadow's body from the inside, effectively gaining control over it for the duration of the spell, at the end of which it will generally be dissolved into nothingness by an outburst of power. This can, amongst other things, let him use that Shadow's inherent abilities to fight for him, distract opponents whilst he makes a quick escape, or simply take hits for him whilst he works his elemental magic. This can be utilised on multiple Living Shadows at a time, or upon a sufficiently weak entity aligned with the Anti-Gods such as demons, but doing so requires additional focus and mana input, and if he should run out of either, the Shadows or other controlled entity can quite easily break free of this spell's effects, intact and very angry at Voel specifically. Items/Equipment: Storage bag, food supply, minor valuable trinkets, a locket containing an image of him and his family.[/s] Obsolete; see Koe Henir for my replacement sheet. [quote=@Razqua] I kinda hate to admit it but my character was definitely heavily influenced by Guts. Also for Orior's sake I will point out that Guts is the main character in a pretty well known manga called Berserk. It's a very brutal dark fantasy story. [/quote] Yeah, that did occur to me after I made my post on the subject. So, erm... *awkward cough*