Wasn't this something? Rena didn't panic, really coming from a very relaxed state from just laying there, she barely registered his words at first, although it sank in soon enough. She didn't say anything, but she sat up, which was a shame if only they could stay like that for a while longer. She really did feel calm though, in another situation, or with someone else she would've denied anything. Thing was now they finally put everything out there, their love and feelings, she essentially made a pact to always trust him, to trust Noboyuki. Maybe it was foolish to do so already, when their relationship had just started not even an hour ago, but she thought it out long enough beforehand, the time was right. "It is rude to go from our first time cuddling, then into questioning me like this. Guess I did the same, fair is fair, but first let's go back, its chilly out here, can already feel a cold coming on." Rena got up from the ground, of course she stopped to help her partner on his feet, offering her hand. The walk back was uneventful, but happy, at least she was. Although along the way she was still worried about what their going to be talking about, more so she wanted to know what Noboyuki even found out. She still had not pieced together the possibility of him having his own dreams. The couple were back around the fire, it died down some without being cared for, the low lighting set the mood just right. Rena leaned back on her hands, just thinking for the moment, it was so odd to be thinking clearly after hearing, and especially giving love confessions, maybe that was just her, Noboyuki could have been emotional still for all she knew. Now where to start? "... So, you've done some discovery yourself huh..." She spoke slowly, trying to be delicate, "Well to start with how did you figure me out? I don't usually tell you about my worries, I mean those specific troubles really..." Rena sighed, "But yes, I'm just not, uh, just ready for what's next if you understand me..."