[b][u]Sophia Ravencaller[/u][/b] No one even noticed. Not a single Drakken. Sophia had been beaten in front of everyone in the room and no one noticed. When the female drakken came back to her, Sophia got cold. Much colder than her skimpy outfit made her. She was chilled right down into her soul. She did not want to be taken by this female. Any Drakken male would have been preferable, even if he tortured and physically broke her. Sophia almost wanted to conjure a flame to protect herself from this woman, but she knew it was pointless. If this Drakken was a wind user like she suspected, her flames were a joke. A bad one at that. When the female Drakken asked her name, Sophia did not have the will to refuse the question. She answered calmly, "[color=f26522]I am Sophia, Formerly of the house of Ravencaller, my lady.[/color]" Short, simple and sweet. Sophia did not exaggerate or embellish. Sophia was silent staring back into the eyes of the Drakken that would be her... husband, wife, whatever title. It sickened Sophia to think what possessed this Drakken to go against the norms of her people. What purpose would Sophia serve in the house of this woman? A doll in chains, a maid, or entertainment for her male guests.