[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/W3SmbyG.png?1[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTg0o2xeytQ]"You just got PWND!!"[/url] [b]Name[/b] Eugene Sims [b]Code Name[/b] [color=blue][I]Overload[/I][/color] [b]Age[/b] 17 [b]Skills[/b] Hacking, engineering, Mathematics, and has a IQ that is off the charts [b]Appearance[/b] Eugene has a lanky frame, standing at 6'3 and being on the thin side. He has long, spiky brown hair that occasionally hangs in front of his eyes. His eyes are a bright emerald green and have a care free attitude in them. He wears a pair of square black rim glasses most of the time, except when he is playing a game. That is when he puts of a set of red gaming headphones that have a dark blue visor built into them. [b]Personality[/b] Eugene is the very definition of the word nerd. He is sarcastic, unbelievably smart, and a bit awkward. He is in love with anything and everything technical, having the desire to take it apart to find out how it works. He is an avid gamer, his favorite types being fantasy and syfy games, and plays when ever he gets the chance. He is a bit awkward around the opposite sex, not knowing how to really act around them. Under his sarcastic demeanor Eugene is really a nice guy and will try to look out for others, though he will make fun of them as he does so. [b]Ability[/b] [url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Video_Manipulation]Video Manipulation[/url] [b]Bio[/b] Eugene was born to a US congresswoman and a Supreme Court Judge, giving quite the cozy beginnings. From a young age he was already incredibly smart, reading at a near collage level at the age of four. This only grew over the years, he was skipped grades right after the other until he was accepted into one of the country's top university's at the age of nine. He graduated four years later as valedictorian with his masters degree. The years that followed were that of humdrum get togethers with old intellectuals who marveled at his young age, visiting schools and giving speeches about "trying your hardest and how to succeed at a young age", and god awful dinner parties with other ivy league grads. It was all this boredom that spurred Eugene's career as a hacker for hire. He made a name for him self rather quickly and was hired by some of the most infamous organizations in the world. He hacked into the pentagon, decoded Chinese missile codes, and even signed the president up for a porn website just for a laugh. He was eventually caught during a massive sting operation that took a good two years to pull off. He was facing a life sentence before he was given the chance to join the program. [/center]