Alright, so hi! I was wondering if anyone would be interested in a wolf roleplay. It would be semi-realistic and I'd want everyone to try to have biologically/behaviorally accurate characters but be able to talk and all that (of course). I'd also be super-willing to be flexible on how many fantasy elements get included. I don't really have a specific plot in mind, but a few vague ideas floating around in my head. Feel free to add your own! So far my ideas are: [list] [*]Wolves from several packs end up separated from their families and must come together in order to survive. [*]A wolf RP involving humans and hunting, which I know is a sensitive topic but it'd be mostly if not exclusively from the wolves' POV. [*] Wolves coping with natural disaster. [*] Wolves adapting to life after humans have gone extinct. [/list]