[quote=@Jangel13] [hider][center][img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_vzvhDF3L84w/Swi5smvKgeI/AAAAAAAAA2w/wkwYrIgG0bg/s1600/CopyofMaleAngel.jpg[/img][/center] Name: Angelo Ortega (but everyone just calls him Angel) Gender: Male Age:20 Sexuality: straight Appearance: no wings and his eyes are green Personality: usually a un caring person to most and as a result can seem distant or cold to most people but despite that Angelo will go out his way to help people and while he will not speak to anyone he is believed to be dead by his family who he will not mention. What happened in his past has scared him emotionally and will rarely convey emotions of happiness or enjoyment. Their are also rare moments when his anger gets through and makes him look like a demon instead of his nickname as Angel. Weapon of Choice: preferably his gauntlets so he can get up close and personal to those he kills [img]http://ts3.mm.bing.net/th?id=JN.6hXXdjjXYPfzVtNvriUg%2fw&w=257&h=185&c=7&rs=1&qlt=90&o=4&pid=1.7[/img] however he does carry a musket in case he decides that distance is the best approach to a situation [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_klzpNPsXHas/TNXn6zh2mGI/AAAAAAAAAGE/2IJ3Eo3u0JE/s1600/Steampunk+Aether+rifle+in+progress+V3.jpg[/img] in which case he will only need one shot.. Other: The only thing he has of his life before being a pirate is his gold necklace with "Angel" in gold [/hider] [/quote] M'kay, humor my OCD here a second. Just straighten it up a little (either link to images other then appearance, or put them in hiders. And bolden and/or underline the form's skeleton [name: Gender: etc] ) and then it'll be purdy and I'll be happy. :dreamy [hr] [quote=@Kimiyosis] Two characters you say~? Lovely, a pair of twins, known for wielding both ranged a Melee weapons simultaneously~! (Granted, one of them is a laid back who prefers to deal with everything efficiently and quickly, the other just likes, well, not holding back. I normally do three different personalities simultaneously, so this should be a new experience~! [/quote] Twins are, like, the bestest. Looking forward to it!