[center][img]http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i374/bensundeitestutho/raptor-man2_zpsbzrk09ho.png[/img][/center][center][b]Zac WIlson[/b] | [b]Kelly Brown[/b] | [b]Samantha "Sammy" Kadowsky[/b][/center] Sammy realized that an unstoppable force has met an unmovable object. While this women, whoever she was, could not harm Sammy in any way because of the herb that the man, so-called Hermes, had given to her, Sammy herself could not do anything herself. She was not some veteran super heroine who has been beating up baddies for several years. This was the first time she has even took up the spandex uniform, let alone done any kind of crime fighting. What was she supposed to do now? Before she could figure her next move, Sammy felt the woman’s foot slamming into her face, knocking the young and inexperienced super heroine back. “Why should I even bother?” The women in the silver dress taunted, “There is no point in sticking around anymore, seeing how much of a pushover you are. I have fulfilled my task.” She took a step back and began to chant something. Around her appeared a silver, swirling light. Against her better judgement, since Sammy had no idea what this women was trying to do, Sammy, using her recently acquired feline abilities, leaped to feet and pounced on the women, knocking her down on the ground again while interrupting whatever spell that woman had attempted to cast. As soon as both Sammy and the silver-clad woman collided with the ground, the rocky exteriors that encased both Zac and Kelly almost immediately dissolved. Somehow, interrupting this silver sorceress’ spell had caused the enchantments that had been cast upon the two young metahumans to be broken. When Kelly edged over towards her boyfriend, Zac at first kept his distance, remembering what had just happened between them before they were petrified. However, once he realized that she no longer had a jealousy induced rage, seeing a worried and innocent expression on her face. “Um…help over here?” Sammy struggled with restraining the intruder while she called out to her friends. Zac planted a kiss on Kelly’s forehead before he stood up. Once on his feet, Zac deactivated his power nullifier, causing his brown-colored suit to replace his regular clothes as his height diminished and his raptoresque appearance returned. In a blink of an eye, Zac dashed over toward one of their storage closets and retrieved some duct tape. Then he returned back where Sammy and the silver-clad were lying on the floor. Zac first slapped a stripe of tape over the woman’s mouth, guessing that her magical powers needed to be chanted out loud in order to work. Then he wrapped tape around her wrists and ankles, hoping to incapacitate her for at least enough time for them to figure out what to do with her. “Wow, what happened to you, Sammy?” Kelly blurred out, just realizing that her best friend was no longer just a human head attached to a cat’s body. Prior to her petrification, Sammy was still a “cat” back in her apartment. How could she have known that Sammy would have come to their aid? “Oh, that’s quite a story.” Sammy cracked a grin as she stood up. While Sammy explained what had happened so that she was back into a humanoid form, the silver-clad women vainly struggled on the floor, trying to free herself from her bounds.