[b]Chae, Miguel, Moksha - Old Jefferson, Suburbs - Ricky[/b] Placing a hand on his shoulder, Chae shuffled behind the man-- his Canadian accent failed to portray just how southern he truly was, she watched, a slight awe, as he hacked away at the infected corpses with an over sized knife, apparently intended for 'gators'. He possessed a fervor for the activity, she might never possess-- Miguel maybe-- but it edged too close to enjoyment for her tastes. Still, she could appreciate how soon the investment of saving the man's life was returned in kind, with interest. He didn't tire, even as the quartet were surrounded by the biting, hissing shells of people long past. Chae, despite herself, was scared less by the physical threat they imposed, but more by the humanity she could see in each figure. They all were, more or less, like her at one point. And she'd probably end up like them sooner or later... Possibly sooner, it seemed! Despite the man's knives and Miguel's brute force, the quartet was becoming surrounded! "Veer right." Kicking away one of the infected as she spoke, Moksha bristled in he arms, "Look for a backyard with a fence-- the more of those we can hop the better."