It was wrong, all wrong. Ren's fur was standing on end, long before they reached the alleyway, Still holding Maggie, now more for comfit, she had followed, her tail lashing in ever increasing arks. Flicking her ears, madly, both Seth and Ren shared mental fear, warnings pinging back and forth until neither could tell whose was whose. [color=fff200]“Here we are!”[/color] jumping a foot in the air, although not literally, Ren snapped her head round, eyes wide as a girl from shojo manga, very big, A hiss rising in their throat. Yes their; Ren and Seth no longer differentiated between each-other, they just were, thinking and acting as one, but not necessarily in a good way. Both had frozen, watching, waiting,… [color=92278f][i]knife!!!![/i][/color] [color=fff200]“Well go ahead now. Make some dead bodies,”[/color] A hiss burst forth, snarling throughout the alley, feral and chilling, not affecting the strange man at all. [color=fff200]“Hey, hey, I’m only kidding! I’m not that sick in the head, right? You guys wanted a body, so I’ll give you one, free of charge.”[/color] They didn't normally blink often, unless they were surprised, but they felt the sudden overwhelming urge to close their eyes. Succumbing to the urge, they paid attention with their ears, least he make a sudden move, but the sensation passed, quicker than it came, and when they opened their eyes the knife was gone, replaced by a body, gruesome and …wrong. Flinching at the smell, they looked on, watching in shock as the suspicious man backed out of the alley, far too fast, but neither that nor his words were something that was registered. [color=007236]"Don't touch it,"[/color] they rasped, sounding only a little like Ren, still enough to be passed off as her, unless you paid attention, in witch case there was two voices, though only one could be heard. No one was attempting to touch the body at the time, but if they did they could be framed, not the exact thought that went through their heads, it was more a feeling of…… that the body was not something to touch. Seth froze up, stopping still, and stiffening like frozen ice-cream. He heard Ruki talking but couldn't understand the words. It no-longer mattered if the others found something weird about him, other than the cat tail and ears; weird enough to begin with. [color=92278f][i]knife!!!![/i][/color] the thought sprang up, shared, he could see, if blurrliy, what was going on, and everything else was filled in by Ren's thoughts. They saw the knife thrown, nice knife it was too, and land in the ground, heard the sound of the man speaking. A hiss burst forth from both, the two on Ren's side, but also the body of Seth, unlike the one in the alley, this one didn't resound, it exploded and died, there and then gone. For almost every movement 'Ren' made, so did 'Seth', or their body anyway, blinking, listening, tail's lashing, ears twitching. 'Seth' flinched, shying away from something the others in the school couldn't see, and when his voice came out grating and odd, [color=007236]"Don't touch it,"[/color] there was a sensation of eeriness to it; a ghostly second voice, almost, but not quite, in sync. [color=92278f][i]It moved!!![/i] [/color] Letting go of Maggie, if she hadn't already let go of Ren herself, they dropped low, the hunter with it's prey, cat instincts taking over, shoving most of the conscience that wasn't already hiding, back to rear seat of this 'freak show', to observe, not to take part. Seth's body at the school mimicked most of that, the only part it didn't was mimicking letting go of Maggie, as it was not holding a person to begin with.