The air that rushed in when the windows were opened was something Takeshi was grateful for. He filled his lungs with a deep breath before offering his hand in a wave to Gael and a calmed smile. [Color=ffaf00] "Yo, Gael. Didn't know you were into this stuff."[/color] He shook his head, moving over to the napping Shiro and placing his hand on her head gently. When it lolled to the side limply, his suspicion was confirmed. [Color=ffaf00]"I keep telling you it's [i]Shiro[/i], Gael-san...sigh. I only wish she'd stay awake for the exciting stuff."[/color] He abandoned the chairs for now, leaning against the wall by Shiro's side, arms crossed and one foot pushing against it with the other planted firmly on the ground. He jumped a little at the knocking, though sighed in relief when Kazuo walked in. That was his jumpiness for you. The room still had him on edge. On impulse, he'd have grabbed the handle of the baseball bat sticking out of the corner of his book bag and knocked whoever had come in senseless. [Color=ffaf00]"Kazuo senpai, yo."[/color] He almost purred once he straightened himself out, moving to his senior and high-fiving the young man, before his head dropped sharply at his comment, the faint sounds of gurgling, and he faked a sniffle, and replied in a small voice [Color=ffaf00]"...I can't help...that I'm no foreigner...sniff. Does that mean Shiro will never want to go out with me? Senpai, why must life be so cruel?"[/color] Takeshi really did jump when the blonde was shoved in. He stood there trembling, fingers on both hands making a cross-shape at the door and his eyes squeezed shut, murmuring to be forgiven over and over. The [i]oddly[/i] human voice that responded to him made him lower his hands and slowly open his eyes. It was a girl he didn't recognise, so she must not have been from his year. Perhaps she was a senior? [Color=ffaf00]"...uh, hi." [/color]He scratched the back of his head with a nervous laugh. [Color=ffaf00]"Aha...hahaha...ha.'s nice to meet you, miss!"[/color] A boy who looked younger than everyone present for the moment walked in soon after, too. He had a respectful air about him, and didn't seem like quite the delinquent. Takeshi admired that. He offered the junior a wave. [Color=ffaf00]"Hey, kid. Takenaka, yeah? Name's Takeshi." [/color]He ran his hand through his hair again, the cobalt blue streak flashing just as bright as the toothy grin he offered the boy. [Color=ffaf00]"The mystery club, in all its edgy atmospherical glory, is right here, kid. You found it."[/color] [Color=ffaf00]"And me, Gael?"[/color] He shot the Norwegian an innocent glance, though was smirking right after with a knowing wink, [Color=ffaf00]"Girls are one aspect where I'm [i]not[/i] scared shitless. Alas, too many pretty women who won't notice me, haha. I'm not the sexy foreigner after all..."[/color] And the final was a silver haired girl, who was quite, quite the character. She was pretty young too. Takeshi was left speechless at her introduction, though his eyes slowly traced from her to the president, to back again. A couple of times. He opened his mouth to speak, but finding no words, nodded his approval and moved back to the wall where he was before. [Color=ffaf00]"So, Prez. What's the game plan?"[/color] His gaze was left to trail off as the newest member strolled in, completely immersed in the game she was playing. Takeshi wondered for a second what game it was, but her attitude was definitely interesting. He wondered if she had come in by mistake. Though suspicions were cleared when she announced her name and clear intention that she wanted to be here. [Color=ffaf00]"O...kay."[/color] He shook his head, best not linger on first impressions. [Color=ffaf00]"Pleasure to meet you too, Hyouka."[/color] Hiiragi made her announcement, and Takeshi listened carefully to each word. He weighed his options. Could he really do it? He was a little split minded. It wouldn't be good if he'd pussy out midway, and leave someone behind. A notebook, huh? He walked over to Shiro, kneeling down beside her as she was just waking up and contemplating something quite hard. He offfered her a warm smile and a little whisper. [Color=ffaf00]"Shiro, I'll be going outside now, okay? I don't know where you want to go, but I'm sure you'll find Kazuo or someone else to keep you company, mm?"[/color] He stood up again. She made her decision and did the same not too long after, stating she'd want to go to the library. [Color=ffaf00]"Gael, you go on ahead."[/color] Takeshi shook his head, [Color=ffaf00]"Grab me something to eat, if I'll see you later? I need to get some air." [/color] He moved slowly, lithely, to one of the open windows. He stared outside, then back at the group decidedly, the afternoon light that was pouring casting his shadow onto the classroom floor, though his face and the rest of him remaining darkened in the light save the orange glow outlining his silhouette. [Color=ffaf00]"Then I'll check out the courtyard. Anyone wanna come with me?"[/color]