Roy groaned. His second trip through the zeta beam transporter hadn’t felt like it turned him inside out and back again. He opened the first door he saw and it had a freshly made bed. “Bed.” He said, throwing himself on it. “Mine.” He said in a muffle into the pillow. After a few seconds, he looked up, no one was at the door so there was no point in saying that. Roy smiled, letting his stomach settle before sitting up. “Wonder if GA was ever in here… I’ll have to ask him.” He got up and stretched. He felt much more comfortable back on solid ground now. He took a deep breath and walked out. Dick and Kid Flash were still in the main war room. They were still talking so he opted not to interrupt, maybe now that it was just them he couldn’t make a proper introduction to Kid Flash… [i]“Well I thought about it this way, we're the senior members now right? They're the rookies, right? See I just realized something. We can totally haze them! Haze them all the live long day!” Kid Flash was all smiles as he revealed his personal feelings. “Oooh boy...” Nightwing sighed.[/i] Roy’s jaw dropped. He was standing behind Kid Flash but he wasn’t sure Nightwing had seen him. “You do anything to me and pray it’s a boxing glove arrow I shoot at your stupid face.” Roy said loudly.