[hider=Reference Pictures] (Please use this hider for ALL images! Please include every picture you want viewed in this hider. Label them accordingly.)[/hider] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] [indent]Jakken Pantyr[/indent] [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] [indent]269[/indent] [u][b]Race:[/b][/u] [indent]Moon Elf[/indent] [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [indent]Jakken is 6"3 in height. His hair is black like a moonless night, cascading down and ending at the middle of his back. His skin is pale white, his face long and clean-shaven. his eyes are blood red in color. He wears leather armor, including greaves, vambraces, boots, gloves and a belt. Over that he wears a robe that reaches just under his knees. Over his shoulder is a quiver filled with steel tipped arrows laced with Hemlock. On his back he carries an ash flatbow.[/indent] [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] [indent]Jakken is quite arrogant and condescending. He looks at any non-elf as a lesser being, unworthy of his attention. He is brave, almost to the point of foolishness, because of his thinking that no creature can defeat him. Some might call him selfish, but he does care very much for his brethren and he does his best to assist any Moon Elf he encounters. Regarding his enemies, he is merciless and ruthless.[/indent] [u][b]Morality/Religion:[/b][/u] [indent]Before The Great Decent Jakken was a devout follower of Sylsetria, as were many elves. Since The world went dark, Sylsetria has become weak and almost helpless, and so Jakken left her following, with the belief that she has deserted her people. Now Jakken pays homage to Elanom, The Lady of the Night. Nothing is wrong to Jakken when protecting his people.[/indent] [u][b]Biography:[/b][/u][indent]Growing up as the son of the king of Marduil, the biggest Moon Elf tribe in the land, puts a lot of pressure on a young elf. He was supposed to be smarter, faster, stronger and better looking than all the other elves in the tribe. His father was very distant, showing him any attention only when he would win a competition or come back from a good hunt. The only time he saw his father show any kind of feelings was when Jakken's mother died. His father's expectations, as well as the rest of the tribe's, caused Jakken to put almost his entire time into studying. Archery, tracking and magic were only some of the things he learned during his first two-hundred and fifty years. On his two-hundred and fiftieth birthday, he set out into the dense forests on his mission. It is a Marduil tradition that when an elf comes of age at his or her two-hundred and fiftieth birthday, that elf must choose a mission for himself. Then he proposes his mission to the council of elders who decide if it is a honorable mission or not. If they agree to it, the elf will set off to complete his mission, and not return until he has done so. If the council disapproves the mission, the council will choose a mission for the elf, which the elf then will have to complete. When Jakken came forward before the council with his proposal, the elder elves were amazed. They quickly agreed to his proposal, and so the next day, Jakken set off. His mission: To speak face to face with Sylsetria, his matron goddess. He was out in the forests when The Great Decent happened. With everything falling and dying around him, he started to believe that Sylsetria does not really care for her followers. Caring for his tribe, Jakken returned to his tribe's city. What he saw there made him fall to his knees and weep. Only ruin. Ruin and death. All the beautiful buildings he remembered from his childhood destroyed, huge pieces of stone laying in the streets. It was as if a huge fire-breathing giant had ran through the city, utterly destroying everything in his path. Jakken walked among the ruins, searching for life. So many bodies lay in the streets, pouring their blood into the gutters. Jakken left the city with one goal in mind. Find Sylsetria, and avenge his tribe. He has heard whispers that a man only known as "Demon Hunter" has arrived in Uranda who has found a way to kill a god. He is known to have a huge red beard and carry a great battleaxe. Jakken must speak with this man, and find out the truth. If he will not speak, Jakken will make him. That is how Jakken arived in Uranda.[/indent] [u][b]Other Notes:[/b][/u][indent](Anything you want to add)[/indent] [u][b]Class:[/b][/u] [indent]Ranger[/indent] [u][b]Skill Points:[/b][/u] [indent]0 / 6[/indent] [u][b]Weapons/Tools:[/b][/u][list][*]Ash Flatbow - 1 SP[/list] [u][b]Skills/Abilities:[/b][/u][list][*]Fighting Style: Archery (pretty self-explanatory) - 0 SP[*]Natural Affinity: Quickness - 1 SP[/list] [u][b]Natural Abilities:[/b][/u][list][*]Moon Elf: Jakken has the ability to see in low-lighted areas and with infrared (heat) vision. - 0 SP[*]Tracking: Jakken has learned the basics of forest tracking from some of the best trackers in the realm. Using all of his senses in their fullest, he tracks his prey. - 1 SP[/list] [u][b]Magical Abilities:[/b][/u][list][*]Magic Style: Arcane Knowledge of the Wild: Jakken spent almost his entire life training with royal rangers and royal mages in the art of the wild. The mages taught him to tap into his mana and cast Primal spells, though Jakken specialized in the Natural School and the Illusion School. - 1 SP[*]Animal Tongue: Through studying Natural magic, Jakken has gained the ability to telepathically communicate with most animals. - 1 SP[/list] [u][b]Spells:[/b][/u] [list][*]Illusion: At the start, Jakken can create simple visual and auditory illusions, but as he gains skill he can come to bend light and sound to create much more detailed illusions, and even solid ones. - 0 SP[/list] [u][b]Pet:[/b][/u] [list][*]Young Gray Wolf - 1 SP[/list] [u][b]General Equipment:[/b][/u][list][*]Water Canteen[*]Some Food[*]Small Knife[/list] FINALLY.